Beautiful; Graceful; Elegant
Beautiful; Lovely
Supplanter; Son of James; Variant of Jacob
The Lord of Gracious; God is Gracious
Paradise; Heaven; Flourishing; Female Version of John; God is Merciful; God is Gracious
Old Age
Descends; Descending One who Rules; Descent
Spearman; Driver; With Honor; Servant of the Spear; Spear Servant
Healer; The Lord is Salvation; Mythical Leader; Healing
Jewel; Gem; Pearl
Stone of the Side; Jade; The Precious Green Gemstone
The Hand; Friend of God; Beloved by God; Beloved of God
Son of Jeffrey
White Wave; Fair Phantom; Fair; White and Smooth; Person
Building; Strength; One with Reddish Complexion
The Lord is Gracious; White Wave; Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer; Smooth; Fair One; White and Smooth; Soft; God is Gracious
Brotherly; Variant of Germaine; From Germany
Brotherly; Singer Jermaine Jackson; From Germany; Variant of Jarman
The Lord is Exalted
Of Holy Name; Sacred
Who Always Win; Dear; Always winner
God is Merciful; Gift of God; God is Gracious; By the Grace of God; God has been gracious: has shown favor in the bible John the baptist baptized christ in the jordan
Gift of God; God is Gracious; Merciful
Born on Monday; God is Gracious; God Shall
A Combination of Joseph and Mary
Jehovah has Given; Gift of God; God has Given
Modern Female Version of John and Jon; God's Grace; God is Merciful
Youth; Young; Down-bearded Youth; Jove's Descendant
Friday; Holy Day; Born on a friday
Born on Friday
Clever; Just; Upright; Righteous; True; Judicious; Fair
Brave; Alert; A Phonetic Form of the Initials Kc; Similar to the Irish Name Casey; Vigorous; Acacia Tree
Variation on Kadijah; Wife of Prophet Mohammad; Pure; Rhythmic Flow of Sounds; Rhyming; Variant of Katy or Cady
Companion; Friend
Protector; Responsible; Sponsor
Priest; Holy Person; Young; Youthful; Spirited
Ground Squirrel
Well Shaped; Beautiful
Perfect; Another Name for God; Whole; Immaculate; Complete; From a Roman Family Name; King of the World; The Largest King
Helper to the Priest
Iris of the eye; The iris; **; Iris of the Eye
Water Born; From Outside
The Cause of; Noble Nature; Magnanimity; Liberality; Generous; Deed; Action; Destiny; Generosity; On whom There is God's Grace
A Warrior; Light; The First-born of Kunti; Karna; Instrument; The firstborn of Kunti; Talented; Intelligent; Ear
Born of Hand; Difficult to Obtain
Kind; Generous; Humane; Noble; Exalted; High-born
Generous; A Title of God; The Merciful Being; Form of Kareem; Noble; Exalted; High-born
Generous; A Friend; Female Version of Karim
Giving; Generous; Noble
Mock; Ridicule
Hard Work
Divided; Just; Lovely
Writer; Author; Clerk
Wealth; Flower; Korean Kingdom
Pure; Variation of Kay; Keeper of the Keys; Beloved; Crown of Laurels; Like God; Laurel; Crown; Slim; Fair
Brilliant; Northern Star
Ancient; Little Ancient One; Small and Ancient; Distant
Life; Woman; Great Joy; Abbreviation of Lakeisha; Cassia Tree; Cinnamon; Immense Joy; God is gracious
Wise; Blessing; Power
Brave Cheiftain
Valley of the River Kent; Royal Valley; Surname Referring to Kent in England; From the Bright Valley
Blend of Ken and Sandra or Andrea
Royal Ruler; Fearless Leader; Son of Henry; Greatest Champion; Royal Chieftain; High Hill; Keen Power
Handsome; Beautiful; Knowing; Good Looking; Born of Fire; Finely Made
From the King's Estate; Royal Settlement
Guiding; Leading; The White Haired Norse Man
Eternal; Implies Eternity
Eternal; Everlasting
Immortal; Everlasting; Eternal; Never-ending; Glorious
Charming; Sincere Friend; Good Friend; Honourable Comrade; Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
A New Beginning
Dark; Little Dark One; Clear; Bright; Famous; Ruddy; Spear; Russian; Princess; Little black one; Dusky
Cyborgs Field; Ruler; From the Meadow of the Royal Fortress
Hbgg Favorite; Great Joy; Abbreviation of Lakeisha; Rainfall; Rain; Cinnamon Tree
Cord Maker
Forceful; Long; Continued Beauty; Water
Lovely; Crowned; Narrow; Beautiful; Graceful; Crown of Laurel; Victorious; Slender
Sensible; Intelligent
Combination of La and Keisha; Woman; Cassia Tree
Blushing; Darling girl
Close to the Sea
Combination of the Popular Prefix La with the Name Tasha; Based on Natasha; Christ's Birthday; Surprise
Gentle; Kind; Pleasant
Joyful; Happy; Modern Form of Medieval Name Letitia; Gladness; Happiness
Gentle; Pleasant; Caress or Gentle Slap; Generous; Enigmatic; Gracious; Fine; Refined; Kind