Arabic Baby Boy Names Starting with `B`
Discover Arabic Baby Boy Names beginning with the letter `B` on NamesLook. Browse through our 361 names to find the perfect name for your baby, complete with meanings and pronunciations.
Welcome to our dedicated page for Arabic baby names on NamesLook! Choosing the perfect name for your baby is an exciting and meaningful journey, and we are here to help. Our extensive collection of top Arabic baby names is rich with deep meanings, historical origins, and correct pronunciations, offering a wide range of options for every parent searching for the ideal name.
Explore our comprehensive list of Arabic baby names and discover unique and traditional names along with their meanings and origins. Whether you're looking for a name that reflects your cultural heritage, a popular name in the Arab world, or something rare and special, you'll surely find the right inspiration here.
Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Arabic Baby Boy Names Starting with:
Good Deed
Good News
Joy; Solved; Based
Beginning; Commencement
The Lightning; Al Borak was the Legendary Magical Horse that Bore Muhammad from Earth to the Seventh Heaven
Young; Youthful
Arabic Form of Peter; Variant of Butrus
Small; Humble
Arabic Form of Paul
Arabic Form of Peter; Variant of Butrus
Proofs; Arguments
Name of a Sultan
Full Moon
Proof; Evidence
Soldier; Brave
Firm; Hard
Oceans; Seas; River; Eye; Sight
Name of Sahabi RA who Known as Bujair Ibn Bujair was Present in the Battle of Badr
One who Adheres to his Word
Collection of the Prophet Muhammad's Traditions; Author of One of the Sahih Hadith
Morning; Dawn
Hight; Upward
Narrator of Hadith; Bin Abbat had this Name
Glitter; Shine
Small; Humble
Joy; Love;
Temple; Monastery
An Ancient Physician
Safe; Out of Danger
Bright One
The Biblical Name Peter is the English Language Equivalent
Mild; Cold; A Companion of the Prophet (PBUH)
It is the Name of a Place in Saudi-arabia; Name of a Companion of the Prophet PBUH Bin Al-haseedb RA who has Narrated Many Ahadiths
Proof; Evidence
Proof of the Religion (Islam)
Proof of the Religion Islam
Zodiac Sign; Star; Constellation
Beauty or Wisdom
Signs of the Zodiac
All; Universal
Good News
Joy; Happiness
Giver of Good Tidings
Good News
Unripe Dates; It was the Name of a Companion Ibn-sufyan who was Sent to Scout Makkah from Zu-al-hulayfah when They had Intended to Perform Umrah
Yellow Ruby Called Pukhraj in India
Rising Sun
The Biblical Name Peter is the English Language Equivalent
Arabic Form of Peter
Father of Earth
Father of Yahya
Ice Cream; Despised; Plundered; Contempt
Strong; Brave
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