Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
The Biblical Abel is the English Language Equivalent
The Leader
Present; Attending
Director; Leader; Guide to Righteousness
Guiding to the Right
Keeper; Guardian; Preserver
Eyebrow; Chamberlain; Doorkeeper
Wise; Healer; Physician; Ruler; Sovereign
Grown Up
Protector; Patron; Helper; Supporter; Defender
Praising (God); Grateful; From Kikuyu
Happy; Delighted; Content
Happy; Delighted; Content
Vigilant; Watchman
Protector; Guard
Old Arabic Name; Ploughman; Tiller; Plowman; Green; Cultivator
A Prophet's Name; The Biblical Aaron is the English Language Equivalent
Generosity; Name of Prophet Mohammed's Grandfather; Old Arabic Name
A Person who Collects Wood; Name of a Sahabi who Participated in the Battle of Badr; He was the Messenger of the Holy Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) to the Ruler of Egypt
Judge; Unavoidable
Skilful; Intelligent
Fine Dust
Affable; Lovable
Berry; Grain; Seed
To be Loved; Friend
Beloved of Allah
Name of One of the Sons of Sayyidina Aadam his Sacrifice was Accepted by Allah but that of Qabeel, his Brother Rejected
Friend; Beloved One; Darling; Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
Beloved of Allah; Dear to God
The Biblical Abel is the English Language Equivalent; Abel; Adam's Younger Son
Companion; Narrator of Hadith; Ibn Sad Al-taiy had this Name; Al-tamimi RA also had this Name
Gift; Present
Name of Prophet Mohammed
Myrtle Tree
Joy; Noise; Clamour; Mighty; Sharpness
Respected; Target; Aim
New; Happening for the First Time
Gift; Present
Smith; Blacksmith
Guiding to the Right; Director; Guide
Present; Attending
Present; Attending
Guide; Leader; Guide to Righteousness; Gift; A Chief; One who Guides
Peaceful Leader
Devoted; Kind; Compassionate
The 57th Surah of the Quran; Iron; Eloquent
Sword; Weapon
Guide; Leader; Guide to Righteousness; Gift; A Chief; One who Guides
Sound of Thunder; Good mannered
A Quran Reciter of Basrah
New; Fresh; Young
Friendly; Welcoming
Very Merciful
Protector; Preserver; Responsible Caretaker
Affectionate; Compassionate; Another Name for God; Generous
Offspring; Descendant; Helpful
Diligent; Industrious
The One who Knows Quran by Heart
Protected; Guardian; Keeper; Preserver; One who Knows the Quran by Heart
Guardian; Administrator; Manager
Remembrance of Allah
All; Everything
Young Lion; Collecting; Gathering
River; Sea; Two; Second
Very Beautiful; Life
Lion; Derived from Hadara; To Dwell; Strong; Stout; Ferocious Lion
Lion; King of Jungle
Strong Man; Brave
Capacity; Ability
Caution; Care
Young Eagle
River; Pilgrim to Makkah
Pilgrimage to Mecca; One who has Performed the Hajj or Pilgrimage to Makkah; Born During the Month of Pilgrimage to Mecca
Doorman; Janitor; Bailiff; Eyebrow; Edge; Covering
Handsome; Beautiful
Partition; Curtain
One who has Performed the Hajj or Pilgrimage to Makkah
One who Argues a Lot; Orbit; Eye Socket; Orgument; Debate
Of Hajver; A Saint's Name
Judge; Commander; One of the Ninety-nine Excellent Names of God; Ruler; Authority
Scholarship; Wisdom
Wise; All-knowing; One of God's Ninety-nine Qualities; Intelligent; Judicious