Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Protector; Farmer; Watchman; Vigilant Guardian
Farmer; Ibn-wahb was a Companion who had this Name
Guard; Protector
Green; Lion; Plowman; Ploughman; Cultivator
Lion; Green Colour; Surya's Horse; Ploughman; Cultivator; Good Provider; Brave; Plowman; Green
Strong; Secure; Guarded
A Plant; An Egyptian Disciple of Shafaee had this Name; He was Ibn Yahya
Loving Full Person; Loving Fuel
Heroic Warrior; A Prophet's Name; Hope; Achievement
Superior; Exalted; On High; Arabic Form of Aaron; High Mountain
Very Noisy
Happiness; One who Gives Pleasure; One who gives pleasure; Happy
Messenger; Aharon; Chief; Protector; Lofty or exalted; A prophets name (Aaron) (1)
Celebrated Abbasid Caliph (786-809)
Aaron the Upright
Celebrated Abbasid Caliph
Form of Hassan
Laughter; Good; Beautiful; Handsome; Good Looking; Always Happy
Good Deeds; Kind Acts; Favours
Accounter; Omnipotent; Another Name of Allah
Beautiful; Smart
An Ancestor of Prophet Muhammad
Mirthful; Happy; Tidy; Pleased
Crusher of Evil
One who Rallies People; Crowded; Gathered
Magnificent; Destroys Evil; Force for Good; Generous; Great Grandfather of the Prophet; Honour
An Ancestor of Prophet Muhammad
Glory; Joyful; Decency; Dignity; Laughter
Raising; Collecting
Respected; Accountant; Avenger; Another Name for Prophet Muhammad; Noble
Firm; Judicious; Steady; Joyful
Definite; Decisive; Generosity; Prophets grandfather
Beautiful; Strong
Acme of Mountain
Good; Handsome; Beautiful; One who Beautifies; Desire
Beauty; Handsome; Combination of Hasan and Hussein
Early Imam (Leader) of Islam; Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
Early Imam (Leader) of Islam; Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
One who Gathers the People Together
An Assembler
The Reckoner a Name for Allah
Strong; Beautiful
Generous; Helper
A Sound from Heaven
Judge; Decider; Justice
A Wood Collector
One who Summons
Judge; Inevitable; Ruler; King; Steadfast; Determined; Decisive
Great Battle; Battlefield
Name of Son of Imam Muslim (RA)
The Sward
Prudence; Caution
Thought; Idea; Concept
Clever; Smart
Able; Active
Son of Imam Muslim had this Name
Life; Existence
Lion; Another Name of Ali; The Husband of Fatima - Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Ever Alive
Young Hawk; Eagle; Lion; Strong; Young Eagle
To be Feared; Venerable
Alive; Having Life
Alive; Name of a Raavi who Narrates the Sayings of the Prophet 'Peace be Upon Him'
Lively; Energetic
Good-looking; Handsome
Learning the Quran by Heart
Ready; Attention
Thunder; Keen; Sharp; Discreet; Prudent
Skilful; Intelligent
Another Name for God; Present; Ready; Another name of God
Ninth Month of the Syrian Calender; Month of July
Skilfulness; Dexterity
Prophet; Jesus; Presence; Dignity; Power
Pleasure; Delight; Luck; Good Fortune
Director; Leader; Guide to Righteousness
Appearing Fresh and Healthy
Clever; Cute
A Sharp Sword