Arabic Baby Boy Names
Explore the top 8440+ Arabic Baby Boy Names on NamesLook. Discover the meanings, popularity, and correct pronunciations of Arabic Baby Boy Names.
Welcome to our dedicated page for Arabic baby names on NamesLook! Choosing the perfect name for your baby is an exciting and meaningful journey, and we are here to help. Our extensive collection of top Arabic baby names is rich with deep meanings, historical origins, and correct pronunciations, offering a wide range of options for every parent searching for the ideal name.
Explore our comprehensive list of Arabic baby names and discover unique and traditional names along with their meanings and origins. Whether you're looking for a name that reflects your cultural heritage, a popular name in the Arab world, or something rare and special, you'll surely find the right inspiration here.
Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Arabic Baby Boy Names Starting with:
Who Guards the Treasure; Treasurer
Brave; Bold; Courageous; Valiant
Jewel; Gem; Pearl
A Well Known
Kind of Plant
Liberal; Garden
Immortal Jawahar Jewel; Alive; Living; Immortal
Living Forever; Immortal
Alive; Living
Owner of a New House; Born in January; The Mountain that is a Mile in Height; A Night; Flower; Victorious; Forest; Green Branches; Bright; Variant of Xavier; Obscure
Generous; Open-handed; Another Name for God; Ample; Plentiful; Munificent; Liberal
Eternal; Everlasting
Heavy Rain; Benevolent Deed
Goodness; Excellence; To be Excellent
Jewel; Gem
Most Generous; Most Bountiful
The Generous
Causing Victory
Good Manner / Attitude
Absorber; Attractive; Beautiful; Handsome
A Flower Name from the Older Form Jessamine
The Hand; Friend of God; Beloved by God; Beloved of God
Beloved of the Lord
It is a City in Iran
Mighty or Powerful
Akbar's Son
Loftiness; Sublimity; Glory
Handsome; Camel
City of the Moon; In the Bible Jericho was a Canaan City Destroyed when Its Walls Fell Down
Flag; An Ensign
Ear Ring;
Arch Angel
Gabriel is the English Language Equivalent; A Biblical Name Not Used for Humans
Archangel; Gabriel; Arch Angel; Archangel of Allah
Holy War
Very Good; There is a Mountain in Makkah by this Name
Master; Salute
Good Mannered
One Black and Ill-shaped; A Black Beetle; Quarrelsome; Name of a Sahabi
Counsels or Brings Together
Compelled; Assisted; A Companion of the Prophet (PBUH) Ibn Mutim RA
To Create Good Change
Praised; Goodness; Excellence
This was the Name of a Skilled Kufic (Script) Writer who Wrote Copies of the Quran During the Reign of Mutasim
A firefly
Gifted Artist; Adventurer; Musician; Smart; Born Gifted Artist; Happiness; Successful
Brave Martyr
Born on Friday
Angle; Beautiful
Couple; Unit of Army
Born on Friday
Soldier; Fighter; Warrior; Small Army; Saint
Group; Army
This was the Name of a Teacher of Tabari; He was also an Authority for Hadith
Quarrelsome; A Companion of the Prophet PBUH; Ibn Suraqah Al-dumari had this Name
Deserving; Competent; Capable
Sufficient; Enough
Perfect; Complete; Accomplished
Revealing; Discoverer
Restrainer; Controller of Anger
Name of a Famous Poet / Saint; A Mystic Poet or Poet Sants of India
Name of a Famous Saint
Powerful; Don; Value
Servant; Slave to God
Friend; Companion; Confidant
Green Crop; Connoting Freshness and Innocence
Companion; Little Battle
Skilful; Capable; Brave; Courageous; All-powerful; Variant of Qadir
Ancient; Old
Companion; Friend
Ray of Light; Shoot of Grass; Green; Spring Greening; Powerful; Strong
Responsible; Sponsor; Surety
Another Name for God; Talented; Apt; Enough; Another name of God
Protector; Responsible; Sponsor
Friend; Lover
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