Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Servant of the Creator
Servant of the Source of Goodness
Servant of the All Seein
Servant of the Extender; Creator
Servant of the Opener of the Gates of Sustenance
Servant of the Conqueror (Allah)
Servant of the Self Sufficient; Servant of the Generous One
Servant of the All-forgiving (Allah)
Servant of the Forgiver
Servant of the All-forgiving
Servant of the Self-sufficient
Servant of the Guide (Allah)
Servant of the Guardian (Allah)
Servant of the Protector
Servant of the Protector
Servant of the Allwise (Allah)
Servant of the Judge (Allah)
Servant of the Mild and Patience
Servant of the All-element (Allah)
Servant of the Praiseworthy; The Ever-praised
Servant of the Praiseworthy; Ever-praised
Slave of the Merciful Forgiving
Servant of the Truth (Allah)
Servant of the Truth
Servant of the Respected; Esteemed
Servant of the Living (Allah)
Servant of the Mighty
Servant of the Mighty
One who Serves the Comforter; Servant of the Compeller
Revered; Servant of the Sublime One
Servant of the Great; Revered
Servant of the Beautiful (Allah)
Servant of the Great
One who Serves a Capable Man
Servant of the All-sufficient (Allah)
Generous; One who Serves a Generous Man; Servant of the Most Generous; Slave of the generous god
Servant of the Most Generous (Allah)
Servant of the Creator
Servant of the Awar
Servant of the Creator (Allah)
Servant of Allah; Servant of God
Servant of Allah; One who Serves the God; Servant of God
Father of Prophet Muhammed; Glorious
One who Serves a Kind Man; Servant of the Subtle One
One who Serves a Kind Man
Servant of the Owner (Allah)
Servant of the Glorious One
One who Serves a Glorious Man; Servant of the Most Glorious
Servant of the Glorious One
Servant of the Master or King
Slave of One who Prevents
Slave of the Benefactor
Servant of the Firm; Strong
Servant of the Firm; Strong
Servant of the Originator
Servant of the Enricher
Servant of the Supervising; The Guardian; The Protector
Slave of the Protector
Servant of the Charitable One
Slave of the One who Gives Life and Sustains it
Servant of the Responsive
Servant of the Responder
Servant of the Giver of Faith
Servant of the Benefactor; Slave of the Generous
Servant of the Fashioner
Slave of the Giver
Servant of the Helper; Protector
Servant of the Victorious One
Slave of the One who is Light
Servant of the Light
Servant of the Capable
Servant of the Capable
Servant of the Capable
Servant of the Subduer; The Almighty
Servant of the Most Strong
Servant of the Self Subsisting
Servant of the Most Holy
Slave of the Lord
Servant of the One who Raises; Elevates (Intellect; Esteem)
Servant of the Most Compassionate
Servant of the Merciful
Servant of the Mercifully Gracious
Servant of the Mercifully Gracious
Servant of the Most Merciful
Slave of the Vigilant
Servant of the Rightly Guided
Servant of the Rightly Guided One
Servant of the Compassionate
Servant of the Maintainer; Provider
Servant of the Maintainer; The Provider
Servant of the Maintainer; The Provide
One who Serves a Merciful Man
Servant of the Patient
Servant of the Peace
Servant of the Peace
Servant of the Eternal
Servant of the All Hearing
Servant of the Protector
Servant of the Witness
Servant of the All-thankful (Allah)