Arabic Baby Girl Names Starting with `U`
Discover Arabic Baby Girl Names beginning with the letter `U` on NamesLook. Browse through our 119 names to find the perfect name for your baby, complete with meanings and pronunciations.
Welcome to our dedicated page for Arabic baby names on NamesLook! Choosing the perfect name for your baby is an exciting and meaningful journey, and we are here to help. Our extensive collection of top Arabic baby names is rich with deep meanings, historical origins, and correct pronunciations, offering a wide range of options for every parent searching for the ideal name.
Explore our comprehensive list of Arabic baby names and discover unique and traditional names along with their meanings and origins. Whether you're looking for a name that reflects your cultural heritage, a popular name in the Arab world, or something rare and special, you'll surely find the right inspiration here.
Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Arabic Baby Girl Names Starting with:
Heavy Rain; Waves
Waves; Heavy Rain
Servant of God
Narrator of Hadith; Daughter of Ahban Al-ghifariyah
Bright Sky
Kind of Necklace
A Flower; Soul; Who Touches the Heart
Commitment; Pledge; Delegation
High Rank; Glory; Prestige
Friendship; Love; Harmony
Friendship; Harmony; Love
Astute; Wise
Astute; Wise
Higher; Female Version of Ala
Eminent; High
Sweet Kiss
Pretty Face
Little Mother
Living Long
She was the Daughter of Alqamah
Attendant; A Woman who Serves for the Country
Bright; Beautiful and Soft Hearted
Proper Name; Name of Grand Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
Proper Name
Little Mother
Young Mother
Narrator of Hadith; Daughter of Anas Bin Malik
Daughter of Alqamah
One with Round Face
Name of a Sahabiyah (RA)
Means 'her Father'; Which was Given to Fatima Az-zahra by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad as 'Umm Abiha'
Mother of the Blessed
Mother of Favour; Bounty
Wife of the Prophet Muhammad
Name of the Daughter of Abu Talib and Sister of Ali (RA)
Mother of Favour; Bounty
The Mother of Kulsum
Name of the Sacred Wife of the First Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA); The Mother of Hazrat Ayesha (RA)
Name of the Beloved Mother of First Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA)
Wife of Muhammad (PBUH); Her Name was Hind
Name of a Sahabiyah (RA)
Name of a Sahabiyah (RA)
Name of the Prophet's Daughter
Name of a Sahabiyah (RA)
Name of Sahabiyah (RA)
Name of a Sahabiyah (RA)
Mother of Sons
Mother of Sons
Name of a Sahabiyah (RA)
Name of a Sahabiyah (RA)
Name of Sahabiyah (RA)
Name of a Sahabiyah RA
Narrator of Hadith
Mother of Sons
Mother of Father
Mother of the Blessed
Mother of Favour; Bounty
Wife of the Prophet Muhammad; Her Name is Ramla; Umm Habiba is her Kunya (Nickname) After the Name of her Daughter Habiba
Name of the Daughter of Abu Talib and Sister of Ali (RA)
Mother of Favour; Bounty
The Mother of Kulsum
Name of the Sacred Wife of First Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA) Mother of Hazrat Ayesha (RA)
Mother of Ayesha (Wife of the Prophet Muhammad)
Name of the Beloved Mother of First Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA)
Wife of Muhammad; Her Name was Hind
Name of a Sahabiyah RA
Name of a Sahabiyah RA
Gods Gift
Name of the Prophets Daughter
Name of a Sahabiyah RA
One with Round Face
Name of Sahabiyah RA
Name of a Sahabiyah RA
Name of a Sahabiyah RA
Mother of Sons
Name of a Sahabiyah (RA)
Mother of Sons
Name of a Sahabiyah RA
Nice Mother
Mother of Sons
Name of a Sahabiyah RA
Name of a Sahabiyah RA
Name of Sahabiyah RA
Wish; Desire; Hope
A Wish; An Aspiration; Gift
Pilgrimage to Makkah Other than Regular Hajj Days; Pilgrimage to makkah
Good Mother; Sweet Mother
Friendly; Calm; Kind; Helpful; Sweet and Generous
Sheep; Goat; Name of a Valley Between Makkah and Taif; Shinning Star; Garden of Roses
Friendly; Affable
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