Arabic Baby Names Starting with `A`
Discover Arabic Baby Names beginning with the letter `A` on NamesLook. Browse through our 2309 names to find the perfect name for your baby, complete with meanings and pronunciations.
Welcome to our dedicated page for Arabic baby names on NamesLook! Choosing the perfect name for your baby is an exciting and meaningful journey, and we are here to help. Our extensive collection of top Arabic baby names is rich with deep meanings, historical origins, and correct pronunciations, offering a wide range of options for every parent searching for the ideal name.
Explore our comprehensive list of Arabic baby names and discover unique and traditional names along with their meanings and origins. Whether you're looking for a name that reflects your cultural heritage, a popular name in the Arab world, or something rare and special, you'll surely find the right inspiration here.
Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Arabic Baby Names Starting with:
♂️ - Boy name, ♀️ - Girl name
Embellishing; Adorning
Powerful; Pray
Ruler; King
Fortunate; Handsome; Healthy
Acquainted; Knowledgeable; Devotee; Knowing; Aware; knowledgable
Women who Recognizes Islam
Knowing; Women who Recognises (Islam)
First Ray of Sun; Smart
Respectable Man; Intelligent; Leader of the Nation; Peaceful; Respectable man; intelligent
Exalted One; High Mountain; Light Bringer; Shining light; Light bringer; Exalted high
Respectable; Of Utmost Strength; Kind Hearted; Good to Others; Illustrious; ; Of the Aryan race; Ancient
War; Battle; Quarrel
Wish; Hope; Love
Real; Pure; Evening Time
Clear; Lined Up
Protector; Guardian
Bold; Courageous
Adorer; Suitor; Lover
Adorer of Ali
Adorer of the Prophet Muhammad
Living; Wealthy (in Hebrew); Thankful to God
Hope; Devoted to Love; Beloved; Friend; The one to be acknowledged or praised
An Able Minister
To Attack Violently and Persistently
Protector; Guardian
Protector; Central; Defendant
Protector; Defendant; Central
Fascinating; Captivating
Pharaoh's Wife who Embraced Islam
Precious; Excellent
Excellent; Precious
Kind Affectionate
Affection; Sympathy
Kind Affectionate
Kind Affectionate; Gorgeous
Liberated; Independent; Free; Aatiq Ali; Muhammad Aatiq
Shoulder (Support) Old
Fireworks; Explosive; Dynamic Person; Name of Lord Ganesh; {h}name of Ganesh; {m}fire
Educator; Teacheress
Educator; Teacheress
Guest; Fragrance; Lion
Quran Verse
Speed; Bright; A Small but the First Part of an Element
Independent; Free
Independent; Free
A Star
Mightier; Stronger; Dearer; More Beloved
Old Arabic Name
Softness Gracefulness of Youth; Healthy; Plump; Tall
Crowd; Band; Swallow
Everlasting; Eternal; Father; Populated; Flourishing Inhabited; Happy; Prosperous
Endurance; Durability; Strength; Worshippers
Prosperous; One who Possesses Prosperity
Eternal; Endless; Immortal; Pleasantness
Ibn Al Abadiyah was an Author Known for his Eloquent Literary Style
Correct; Accurate
Alabahh was the Nickname of Al Hasan Ibn Ibrahim; An Astrologer of Al Mamun
Worshipper of God; God Knows
Planet; North
Wild Rose
Old Arabic Name; Dual of Abu; 8th Month of the Iranian Calendar; Name of a Certain Angel; Bloom of Love; Little Abbot; Waters
Possessing the Essence of Aban
Tall; Stout
Tall; Strong
Tall; Strong
Tall; Strong
Firm; Strong
Son of Arphaxad and Grandson of Shem
Above All
Great Rejuvenate
Most of Very Pious; Upright
Daughter of Al-mahdi who was Distinguished Among her Contemporaries
Friendly; Talkative; Affable
The Indus River
Always Listening; World; Father of a multitude
Spices; Sweet Herbs
Great Worshipper
Gloomy Look
Lioness; Sister of Haroon Rashid
Great Worshipper; A great worshiper of Allah
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