Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Servant of the Forgiver (Allah)
Servant of the All-forgiving
Servant of the Self-sufficient
Servant of the Guider to the Right Path
Servant of the Guardian (Allah)
Servant of the Arbitrator
Servant of the Wise One; Servant of the Judge (Allah)
Servant of the Patient One / All-element (Allah)
Servant of the Praiseworthy / All-laudable (Allah)
Servant of the Praised One
Slave of the Merciful; Forgiving
Servant of the Truth (Allah)
Servant of the truth
Esteemed; Servant of the Respected; Servant of the respected; esteemed
Servant of the Living (Allah)
Servant of the Mighty (Allah)
Servant of the All-compeller / the Omnipotent (Allah); Servant of the mighty
Servant of the Great / Exalted (Allah); Revered One; Servant of the great; revered one
Servant of the Beautiful (Allah)
Servant of the Great
Servant of the Most Generous
Servant of the noble; generous one; Servant of the Generous / Noble (Allah)
Servant of the Creator (Allah); Servant of the creator
Servant of the Kind
Servant of the Gentle / Kind One (Allah); Servant of the kind one
Slave of the Master / Lord; Servant of the Owner (Allah)
Servant of the Glorious One (Allah); Servant of the glorious one
Servant of the Master / King (Allah); Servant of the master (or king)
Slave of the Benefactor
Slave of the Firm
Servant of the firm; strong; Servant of the Firm / Strong (Allah)
Slave of the Restorer; The Reproducer
The Guardian; The Protector; Servant of the Supervising / All-preserver (Allah); Servant of the supervising; the guardian; the protector
Slave of the Benefactor
Servant of the Responder
Servant of the Responder / Answerer (Allah); Servant of the responder
Servant of the Giver of Faith (Allah)
Slave of the Generous / Benefactor (Allah)
Servant of the Revenger; Slave of Him who Punishes Wrongdoings and Seizes Retribution
Slave of the Just
Servant of the Powerful / Omnipotent (Allah)
Servant of the Able; Servant of the capable
Servant of the capable; powerful; Servant of the Capable / Powerful (Allah)
Servant of the subduer; the almighty; Slave of the Dominant / Subduer
Servant of the Most Strong / Mighty (Allah)
Servant of the Self Subsisting / Eternal (Allah)
Servant of the Holy (Allah); Servant of the most holy
Servant of the Beneficent; Servant of the merciful one
Servant of the Rightly Guided (Allah); Servant of the rightly guided
Servant of the rightly guided one
Servant of the peace
Servant of God; Servant of the one
Servant of the All-loving (Allah); Servant of the loving
Servant of the one
Servant of the Finder
Servant of the Trustee
Servant of the Comrade / Governor
Slave of the All Embracing
Servant of the Last
Servant of the Just
Servant of the Most Great
Servant of Slave of the One who Pardons / the Forgiver
Servant of the Omniscient
Servant of the Most High
Fresh Air
Servant of the Everlasting
Servant of the Creator
Servant of the Expander (Allah)
Slave of the Originator / Inventor
Servant of the Incomparable
Slave of the One who Raises from Death
Servant of the Resurrector
Servant of God
Servant of the Manifest
Slave of the Giver of Victory
Servant of the Forgiver
Servant of the Forgiver
Servant of the Guide (Allah)
Servant of the Preserver
Slave of the Protector / Guardian (Allah)
Servant of the Protector
Servant of the Living
Servant of the Wise (Allah)
Servant of the Forbearing One
Servant of the respected; esteemed; Servant of the Reckoner
Servant of the mighty
Servant of the great; revered; Servant of the Great and Revered
Servant of the Gatherer
Slave of the Most Bountiful
Servant of the Able
Servant of the All-sufficient (Allah)
Slave of the One who is Aware
Servant of the Descender
Servant of the Creator (Allah); Servant of the creator
Slave of the Excellence
Servant of the Withholder
Servant of the Glorious One (Allah)
Slave of One who Prevents