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Servant of the Retarder
Servant of the Honourer
Servant of the Surrounder
Servant of the Death-giver
Servant of the Energizer
Slave of the Originator
Servant of the Originator
Servant of the Restorer
Servant of the Enricher
Slave of the Protector
Servant of the Reckoner
Slave of the One who Gives Life and Sustains it
Servant of the Giver of Life
Servant of the Restorer
The Exalter; Slave of the Honourer / Giver of Might and Glory
Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory
Servant of the Promoter / Expediter
Slave of the Sustainer
Servant of the Fashioner (Allah)
Servant of the Most High
Servant of the Most Exalted
Servant of the Most High (Allah)
Slave of the Giver / Donor (Allah)
This was the Name of the Grand Father of the Prophet PBUH
A Narrator of Hadith
Slave of the Propitious / Benefactor
Slave of the Helper
Protector; Servant of the Helper; Servant of the helper; protector
Servant of the victorious one
Slave of the One who is Light
Servant of the Light
Servant of the Withholder
Slave of the Powerful (Allah)
Servant of the subduer; the almighty; Servant of the Subduer / Almighty
Servant of the Subduer (Allah)
Servant of the Self-sustaining
Slave of the Self Subsistent
Servant of the Most Holy (Allah)
Servant of the most holy
Servant of the One who Raises; Intellect; One who Elevates; Esteem
Slave of the Lord
Servant of the One who Raises; Intellect; One who Elevates; Esteem; Servant of the one who raises; elevates (intellect; esteem)
Servant of the most compassionate
Servant of the Merciful; Servant of the most compassionate one
Servant of the Most Merciful (Allah); Servant of the most merciful
Slave of the Vigilant
Servant of the Compassionate
Servant of the maintainer; the provider; Servant of the Maintainer (Allah)
Servant of the maintainer; the provider
Servant of the patient
Servant of Peace; Servant of the peace
Servant of the eternal
Servant of the All Hearing; Servant of the all-hearing
The Servant of the Protector; Servant of the Protector
Servant of the Witness
Servant of the All-thankful (Allah)
Servant of the most thankful
Servant of the forgiver
Servant of the Finder
Servant of the Implementor
Servant of the Finder
Servant of the Inheritor / Governor
Servant of the Vast
Servant of the loving
Servant of the Giver
Servant of the All-give (Allah); Slave of the Best-ower; Servant of the giver
Servant of the Protecting
Servant of the Survivor
Servant of the Supreme Inheritor
Servant of the Manifest
Servant of the Last
Servant of the Most High
Slave of the Just
Servant of the Forgiver
Servant of Allah
Servant of the Only One (Allah)
One who Serves the God
Servant of the All-knowing
Servant of the Omniscient
Servant of the Most High
Servant of the First
Servant of the Mighty
The Servant of the Most Powerful
Servant of the Mighty (Allah)
Servant of the Beloved One
Servant of the Evolver
Creator; Servant of the Expander
Slave of the Originator
Servant of the Incomparable
Servant of the Resurrector
Servant of the Resurrector
Servant of the Everlasting (Allah)
Servant of the Creator
Servant of the Source of Goodness
Servant of Allsagacious (Allah)
Servant of the All Seein
Servant of the Extender; Creator
Servant of the Inward
Servant of the Opener of the Gates of Sustenance
Servant of the Opener of the Gates of Sustenance