Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
A Great Sahabi who Participated in the Battle of Badr
Well-known Sahabi Abu Moosa Al-ashari
Father of Dignified; Name of a Sahabi (RA)
A Great Sahabi who Participated in the Battle of Badr
Father of Seeker; Name of the Prophet Muhammad's Uncle
An Attributive of Caliph Ali; The Fourth of the 'Rightly Guided' Caliphs
Great Sahabi of the Prophet
Name of a Great Jurist and Pupil of Imam Abu Hanifah
Great Sahabi of the Prophet
Father of Abdullah
Father of Ali
One who does Good
Father of Amr
A Well-known Sahabi who had Received the Honour of Offering Hospitality to the Prophet Muhammad when He Migrated to Madinah
The Companion of Prophet Mohammed
Father of Blackness
Father of a Toothless Old Woman
Father of Daud
Father of a Weight of 2 Carats
Author of One of the Sahih Hadith
Father of a Lion
Father of Ghalib
Father of a Lion Cub
Founder of the Hanafi School of Thought or Islamic Law
Father of a Pious Woman
Father of Hisham
Father of a Kitten
Father of Ja'far
Father of Ignorance
Servant of Allah
Father of Glory
Blissful; Father of Blessings
Father of Mankind; An Epithet of Adam who was also the First Prophet
Happy; Glad; Father of Joy
Comfortable; Possessor of Comfort; Father of Comfort
Victorious; Father of Victory
Grace; Endowed with Bounty
Sahabi; Great Scholar of History
Father of Hasan
The Son of Ali
Father of Husain; Caliph Ali
Eloquent; Father of Speech
Virtuous; Father of Good Work
One who does Good
Merits; Father of Virtues
Father of Qasim; An Attributive Name of the Prophet Muhammad
Happy; Father of Happiness
A Great Sahabi who Participated in the Battle of Badr
Father of Abbas
Father of the Flame
Father of Aina
Father of Sublimity
Father of Blessings; Blissful
Father of Mankind; An Epithet of Adam who was also the First Prophet
Father of Mankind
Father of the Pearl
God Grace
Endowed with Bounty; Grace
Father of Battle
A Sahabi; Also a Great Scholar of History
Father of Hasan
The Son of Ali
Father of Husain; Caliph Ali
Father of Speech; Eloquent
Father of Good Work; Virtuous
One who does Good
Father of Virtues; Merits
Father of a Scare-crow
Father of the Poor
Father of Qasim; An Attributive Name of the Prophet Muhammad
Father of the Sa'id
Father of a Pearl
Father of Loyalty
Father of Happiness; Happy
A Great Sahabi who Participated in the Battle of Badr
Name of One Companion of the Prophet of Allah
Father of Malik
A Great Sahabi who Participated in the Battle of Badr
Father of Dignified; Name of a Sahabi (R.A)
A Great Sahabi who Participated in the Battle of Badr
Father of Seeker; Name of the Prophet Muhammad's Uncle
A Great Sahabi of the Prophet PBUH; One of the Ten Companions whom the Holy Prophet PBUH has Declared as the People of Jannah
Name of a Great Jurist and Pupil of Imam Abu Hanifah RA
Name of Sahabi
Narrator of Hadith
Very Clean
Spice; Seedsman; One who Sows; The Persian Scribe and Memoriser of Tradition; Abuishaq Ibrahim had this Name
One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad; Praiseworthy
One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad; Praiseworthy
Pure; Noble; Kind; Nobility; The Oldest Daughter; Happy; Ornament; Child of the Red Earth; Brightness; Prosperous; Style; Special Things that Matter
Power; Victory; Storm and Flood God
Dark; Black; With Large Black Eyes
Precious; Nobel
Justice; Noble