Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Great; Vast; Superior
Benevolent Kind; Al-munaim; One of the Names of Allah
Wishes of the Dawn
Helper; Protector; Friend
Wishes of the Dawn
Brilliant; Illuminated; Glorious Life
Bright; Illuminated; Enlightened
Lighted; Illuminated
Pure; Sacred; Free
Sacred; Clean; Honest
Sign; Reminder; Warner; Cautioner
Name of a Slave-girl of Amr Bin Al-ala
One who Turns in Repentance
Repentant to God
Master; Patron; Agent
Brilliant; Shining; Illuminates
Illuminating; Shedding Light; Luminous; Brilliant; Happily
Splendid; Illuminous; Bright Shine of Light
Pure; Stylish
Illuminating; Shining
Sage; Saint
A Small Girl; Bird
To Consult with Allah; Diverted Toward Allah
Excellent; Exalted
Eminent; Superior; Exalted
Benefactor; To be Contented
Shining; Sparkling; Luminous; Moon's Light; Lamp; Brilliant; Bright
Happiness; Radiant; Luminous; Brilliant; Illuminating; Angry Bird; Bright and Shining
Luminous; Brilliant; Illuminating
Brilliant of the Age
Companion; Consoler; Name of a Previous Chief Army Guard
Gentle; Friendly
Name of a bird
Who Salvages
A Woman who Saves Someone
An Ascetic and Authority for Hadith; This was the Name of Abu Bakr Muhammad
Sweet; Star; Honey; Little boy
One who is Led; Obedient; Conducted
Saviour; Rescuer; Deliverer
One who Recites Poetry .
Justice; Righteous
The Examiner
Pious and Pure
The Avenger; He who Punishes Wrongdoers; One who Takes Revenge; Name; Abdul Muntaqim
Victorious; Triumphant; One of the Abbasid Khalifah was Known as Such
Expected; Prospective; Anticipated; Awaited
The Awaiting
Warner; Cautioner
Wish; Desire
Wish; Desire
Wish of Wishes
Wish of Wishes
Holy; Pure
He who Percedes; Antecedent; Prior; Superior; Chief
Sanctified; Holy; Sacred
Sacred; Holy
Sacred; Holy
Name of Abdullah (Ibn Al-muqaffi) who had Converted to Islam from Zoroastrian Religion and Worked with the Uncles of Al-mansur
Intimate Companion; Friend; One who is Brought Near the Throne of Allah
Name of an Abbasid Khalifah
This was the Name of a Narrator of Hadith; Daughter of Ali Al-bazzaz
Name of a Narrator of Hadith
Coming; Next
Coming; Next; Following
Provider; The Nourisher; One of the Names of Allah
Eye; Eyeball; The Middle of Anything; Ib Muqlah; Abbasid Vizier and Founder of Arabic Calligraphy
Just; Impartial; Allah's Attribute
Follower; One who Follows an Imam During Ritual Prayer
Able; Powerful; Mighty; Allah's Epithet; Al-muqtadir; The Omnipotent; One of the Names of Allah
One who Follows (Another)
Frugal; Thrifty; Economical; One who is Economical; The Provident
Desire; Object
Superior; Guardian; Patron
Fruit Name
Prowess; Will; Purpose; Wish; Desire; Object
Bitterness; Innermost; Heart; Al-rabi Al-ansari RA was a Companion who Participated in the Battle of Badr
Name of Allah; Crazy
Chosen One
Follower; Desirous; Student
Follower; Desirous; Student
Myrrh; Bright Sea; Sea-bright; Fragrance of God; Shining Sea; Angel of June; Star of the Sea
Restful; Soothing
Small Pearl
Messenger; Ambassador; Prophet
Messenger; Ambassador; Prophet
Spiritual Guide; Advisor; Instructor; Mentor
True Path
Envoy; Missionary