Arabic Baby Names Starting with `T`
Discover Arabic Baby Names beginning with the letter `T` on NamesLook. Browse through our 531 names to find the perfect name for your baby, complete with meanings and pronunciations.
Welcome to our dedicated page for Arabic baby names on NamesLook! Choosing the perfect name for your baby is an exciting and meaningful journey, and we are here to help. Our extensive collection of top Arabic baby names is rich with deep meanings, historical origins, and correct pronunciations, offering a wide range of options for every parent searching for the ideal name.
Explore our comprehensive list of Arabic baby names and discover unique and traditional names along with their meanings and origins. Whether you're looking for a name that reflects your cultural heritage, a popular name in the Arab world, or something rare and special, you'll surely find the right inspiration here.
Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Arabic Baby Names Starting with:
♂️ - Boy name, ♀️ - Girl name
Agreeable; Sweet; Pure; Excellent
Warmth; Brilliance
Moderation; Neutrality
Praise; Hymn of God; Recognition
Name of the Surah in Holy Quran
To Console; To Guard
Chaste; Modest; Pure
Pure; Chaste
Obedient; Willing
Repentant; One who Refrains from Evil-doings
King; Crowned
Searching Someone
Lucky; Fortunate; Destiny; Fortune; Destiny Fortune
Seeker of; Candidate; Student
Student; Knowledge Seeker
Harmony; Mutual Affection
One who Knows Dates
One who Knows Dates
Wise Thought
Powerful; Strong
Night-comer; Morning Star
Inception; Foundation
Effectiveness; Impression
Brilliant; Shining; Drummer; Lord Shiva; Lighting; Abbreviation of Tabor
Hallowed; Magnified
Cheerful; Be Glad
Deep; Like the River; Profoundly Learned
Narrator of Hadith; She was the Daughter of Yazid
Resplendent; Glittering; Shining
Bright Moonlight
Hallowed; Magnified
Famous Muslim Historian
To be Magnified Greatly
Beautiful Smile; A Flower; Smile- Happiness; Smiling; Laughter
Sweet Smile
Brilliant; Shining; Drummer
Another Name of Madina City
Warm; Bright; Luminous
Glitter; Curve; Shine; Brightness
Complex; Zigzag; Curling
Followers; Those who Believe; Fans
Result of Deeds
Muhammad's Follower
Bright; Shining
Warmth; Heat; Brilliancy
Gazelle; Roe; Beauty; Grace; Roe-buck; Small Deer
Hot; Bright
Challenging; Showing Openly; Fast and Furious
To Cool
Favour; Obligation
Courteousness; Favour Kindness; Beneficence
Favour of Husain
Favour of Husain
Understanding; Knowledge; Know-how
Paradise Egyptian Name
Singing as a Bird; Sweet Voice
Best; Pure; Skilful; Another Name for the Prophet Muhammad; Pious; Name of a Surah in the Quran; Name of a Surah in Holy Quran
Flowing; Greetings
Rashness; Temerity; Intrepidity
Decorate; Beautify
Pure; Unsullied
Pure; Virgin
Pure; Chaste; Clean
Pure; Chaste
Pure; Chaste; Clean
Pure; Chaste; Clean
To Praise; To Describe
Careful; Watchful
Holy; Chaste; Modest; Clean; Pure; Innocent; Unsullied; Untouched; From Muslim; Virtuous
Pure; L; Holy; Clean; Dean
Chaste; Pure; Virginal; Another Name for Hazrat Fatimah Zahra
Cheer; Greeting; Salutation; Welcome
Greeting; Cheer
Greeting; Cheer
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