Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Endurance; Durability; Strength; Worshippers
Prosperous; One who Possesses Prosperity
Eternal; Endless; Immortal; Pleasantness
Worshipper of God; God Knows
Wild Rose
Son of Arphaxad and Grandson of Shem
Most of Very Pious; Upright
Always Listening; World; Father of a multitude
Gloomy Look
Great Worshipper; A great worshiper of Allah
Pertaining to Abbas
Devoted Worshipper of Allah
Worshipper of Allah; Devoted; Obedient
Extraordinary; Original; Beautiful; Worshipper
Nick Name of Abdur Rehman Bin Sulayman the Father of Muhammad Ibn Abdur Rahman; The Genealogist
Substitutes; Persons by whom God Continues the World in Existence
Servant of Allah
Servant of the Mighty One
Servant of Allah
Servant of the One who Gives Nourishment
Servant of the Leader
Servant of the Wise One
Servant of the Patient One
Servant of the Praiseworthy One
Servant of the Comforter
Servant of the Noble One
Servant of the Generous One
Servant of God
Servant of Allah
Servant of the Glorious One
Servant of the King
Servant of the Compassionate
Servant of the Merciful
Servant of the Provider
Servant of Peace
Servant of the Giving
Servant of the Merciful
A Vapour; A Cloud of God
Servant of God
Servant of Allah
Servant of the Mighty One
Servant of the One who Gives Nourishment
Servant of the Noble One
Servant of the Leader
Servant of the Wise One
Servant of the Patient One
Servant of the Praiseworthy One
Servant of the Capable
Servant of the Generous One
Servant of the Generous One
Servant of the King
Servant of Peace
Servant of the Compassionate
Servant of the Merciful
Servant of the Provider
Abbreviated Form of Abdul; My Servant
Form of Abdulrahman
Very Sensitive and Kind
Worshipper of God
Servant of Allah
Knowledge; Servant of the Lord; Name of Allah
Servant of the Most High
Servant of the Just
Servant of the Only One (Allah)
Servant of the All-knowing (Allah)
Servant of the Most High; Slave of the High One
Slave of the First One
The Servant of the Most Powerful
Servant of the Mighty (Allah)
Servant of the Mighty; The Powerful; One who Serves the Mighty One
Servant of the Expander
Servant of the Everlasting (Allah)
Servant of the Creator
Servant of the Source of All Goodness
Slave of the All-seeing
Servant of the All Seeing
Servant of the Expander (Allah)
Servant of the Inward; Slave of the Unseen
Servant of the Opener (of the Gates of Sustenance) / Conqueror (Allah)
Servant of the Forgiver (Allah)
Servant of the All-forgiving
Servant of the Self-sufficient
Servant of the Guider to the Right Path
Servant of the Guardian (Allah)
Servant of the Arbitrator
Servant of the Wise One; Servant of the Judge (Allah)
Servant of the Patient One / All-element (Allah)
Servant of the Praiseworthy / All-laudable (Allah)
Servant of the Praised One
Slave of the Merciful; Forgiving
Servant of the Truth (Allah)
Servant of the truth
Esteemed; Servant of the Respected; Servant of the respected; esteemed
Servant of the Living (Allah)
Servant of the Mighty (Allah)