Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Shining; More Brilliant; More Magnificent
Great; My Father is the Lord; Yahweh is My Father
Worshippers; Adorers; She who Worships; Worshipper
Worshipper; Devotee
Worshippers; Adorers; Pl of Abid i.e. worshipper
The Water Falls of Heaven
Wish; Desire; Goddess Lakshmi
Exhaling; Fragrance
Perfume; Colour; Thinker; Traveller; Strong; Red Powder; Red Colour; Colourful Fragrance; Brave; Intelligent Respect
Brilliant; Splendid
Spark of Fire
First Born; Virginal; New; Novel
Perfectly Formed; A Wild Rose
Perfectly Formed; A Flower
Perfectly Formed
Strong; Strength
Multicoloured; Ingenious; Genial; Perfect
Fire; Cloud
Mail; Coldest; Cool
Faultless; Father of a Multitude and Many Nations
The Blessed One; More or Most Blessed
Exalted Father; Father of a Multitude and Many Nations; High Father; Father of Elevation
A Truthful Person; Saint
Spotted; Speckled
Most Prominent; Most Distinctive
Pure Gold
Fame; Dignity; Honour
Eyes; Vision; Sight
A Tree which has Scent
Place Near Makkah; One who Lives in Abtah
Father (Pahlavi); Master
Companion of Muhammad
Father of Abdullah
Father of Ali
Father of Amr
The Companion of Prophet Mohammed
Father of Ghalib
Father of Ignorance
Servant of Allah
Father of Mankind; An Epithet of Adam who was also the First Prophet
Father of Battle
Father of Hasan
The Son of Ali
Father of Speech; Eloquent
Father of Good Work; Virtuous
Father of Qasim; An Attributive Name of the Prophet Muhammad
Father of Seeker; Name of the Prophet Muhammad's Uncle
Name of Sahabi
Narrator of Hadith
Very Clean
Spice; Seedsman; One who Sows; The Persian Scribe and Memoriser of Tradition; Abuishaq Ibrahim had this Name
One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad; Praiseworthy
One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad; Praiseworthy
Precious; Nobel
Justice; Noble
Red Earth; First Human Being; Created by God; Red; Man; To be Red; Ruby; A Prophet's Name; Man of Earth; First Human; A prophets name; Black
Variation of Adam from the Red Earth; Earth; Man; Heaven
Virgin; Beauty; Fire; Noble
A Grandson of Sayyidina Umer
Servant of the Most Powerful
Pleasant; Gentle
Intellectual; Erudite; Scholar; Literature
Literary Woman; Authoress; Cultured; Polite; Soft; A Literary Person; Civilized
Judge; Honest; Just; Upright; Justice; Sincere
Obedient; Submissive
Goddess; Good Luck; Pious
Righteous; Upright; Sincere; Justice; Noble; Equal; Alike; God is Eternal; High-born; Brave; Judge; Honest; Just
Black; Son of the Red Earth
Devotee; Follower
Apology; Virgin
Winner; Jewel; Ornament; Myth Name; Beginning; First Born; Adornment; Superior; First; More; Extra; Companion of Prophet Muhammad; Sun's Name; Most important
Cultured; Well Mannered One; Scholar; Civil; Educated Person; Civilized
Lovable; Cultured; Polite; Refined; Civilized; Respect Giving
Cultured; Refined
Sincere; Just; Fair; Judicious; Honest; Righteous; Negotiation; Exchange; Justice; Upright; Kindness; Fear; Nest
Equal; Just; Upright
Justice Princess; Equal; Just; Honest
Entire Universe; Earth
Strong; Noble; Powerful; Lightning
Pleasant; Gentle; Agreeable
A Companion of the Prophet; Also the Name of the Son of Hatim Tiay Known for his Generosity
Justice; Honest
Merciful; Fair
Bravery; Lion
Name of God; Proper Name; Good Fortune; From Kikuyu; One who is Settled; Pleasure; Settler; Lion; Bravery