Each name in our collection is carefully curated to provide accurate and detailed information, helping you make an informed choice. Start your journey to finding the perfect name with NamesLook and discover the Arabic name that resonates with your heart and your baby's.
Beautiful Woman
Long-tailed Duck; Noble; Nobility; Feminine of Alexander; Defender of Mankind; Diamond; Noble Sort; Flower
Aristocratic Lady
Sublime; Exalted
Diamond; Adamant
Rightly Guided
Kind; Willing and Wiseman; Noble Man
Aristocratic Lady
Aristocratic Lady
Aristocratic Lady; Work Ruler
Princess; Truthful; Aristocratic Lady; Basket for Clothes; Nobly Famous; Exalted One
Aristocratic Lady
Aristocratic Lady; Princess; Basket for Clothes
Aristocratic Lady
Solider for God
Hero Lion
Pure; Clear; Fine
Kindness; Graces
Kindness; Graces; More Gracious; More Delicate
Kindness of Husain
Kindness of Husain
Nickname of Abdullah; Son of Muhammad who Died in Infancy
Bird; High-flying; In Astronomy Altair is a Star of the First Magnitude
Front-line Army; Name of a Famous King
Vanguard; Commander
The Good One
More Delicate
Virgin; The Maiden
Friendly; Devoted; Faithful
Noble Friend; Elf; Brilliance; Brightness; Height; Exalted; Battle; Sublime; Light Skinned; Fair
Sublime; Alvah was a Biblical Place and Tribal Name; Brilliance; Sin; Light Skinned; Fair
Sublime; Noble Friend; Wise Friend
Loved One; Cared One; Female Version of Elvin; Noble Friend
Fan of Hazrat Ali (RA)
Brightness; Light
The High; Exalted One
Heaven; Sky; Sublimity; Lofty
Tall and Healthy
Spirit from Heaven; Lovely
Nobility; Similar to Alice
The Illuminated
The Woman
A Star in the Constellation Leo
Support; Pillar; Post
Peace; Protection; Without Fear
One who Prays Five Times and Fasts
Serious; Much Praised; Without Intoxication; One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad; Praiseworthy; Love of God
Loved by God; Rejoicing; Seemed Destined to Die at Birth; Free Man
Beginning of a New Day and Needs to be Loved
Leader / Princess
Expectation; Bird; Hard Work; Bright; Clean; Pure; Unblemished; Hope; Aspiration
Spotless; Pure; Tree; The pure one
Caring; Beautiful
Protective; Safety
Wonder; Peace; Hero; Safety; Protection; Honest; Faithful; Trustworthy; Security; The One who is Peaceful
Trust; The Gift
God's Treasure; Present or Gift; Valuable Possession; Treasure; Security; Deposit
Trust of Religion Islam
Wishes; Aspirations
Forever; Long Life; Luck; Everlasting; The Immortal One; Never Die; Name of Lord Shiva; One who prays 5 times and fasts; Immortal
Strenth forever immortal; Eternal
Slave; Observation
Servant of Peace
Slave of; Servant of; Used to Join with Female Names with Divine Name
Female Servant of Allah; Slave of Allah
Fragrance; Amber; Sky
A Precious Jewel; A Jewel-quality Fossilized Resin; As a Colour the Name Refers to a Warm Honey Shade
Smart; Playful; Nice; Strong; A Jewel; Amber Coloured; Ruler of the Jewel; Combination of Amber and Kimberly; A Jewel-quality Fossilized Resin; As a Colour the Name Refers to a Warm Honey Shade; Name of a Semiprecious Stone
A Jewel; Amber and Lynn; A Jewel-quality Fossilized Resin; As a Colour the Name Refers to a Warm Honey Shade
A Jewel; A Combination of Amber and Lynn; A Jewel-quality Fossilized Resin; As a Colour the Name Refers to a Warm Honey Shade
Prophet Muhammad's Relative
Good; Beautiful
Jewel; Amber
Sky Fragnance; Sky
Hopeful; Polite Person; Great Tree; King of World
Divine Grace; Honest; Faithful; Trustworthy; Fish
Trustworthy; Faithful; Peaceful; Honest
Leader; Princess; Rich Woman; Similar to Amira; Well Populated
High-born; Princess
Aspiration; Hope