Explore our rich selection at NamesLook.com, where harmony and balance inspire our assortment of baby names for numerology number 2. Each name is detailed with its meaning and pronunciation, allowing you to choose a name that embodies warmth and cooperation. Browse through our thoughtfully selected names and discover the ideal name that reflects the empathetic and diplomatic nature of number 2.
Command; Message; Order
God blessings
Wish; Desire; Dream
Crown; Saint; ; Pavitra; Pure (1)
Sun; The one with Aruna as his charioteer
Fearless; Better than Best; Brave; Perfectionist; Confidante
Unique; Focused
Matchless; Great Full; Infinite from Adi to ant; From begining to end
Name of a sage
Leader; Senior; First born; Eldest brother; Eldest Sister
Noble Wolf; Evening; God of Sea; Myth name of a God of magic
God of Dev; Graceful; Not defeated by anyone
Indestructible; Unlimited; God of War; Immortal; Non-perishable; End Less
A significant particle
Love; Immortal; God; Indestructible; Which cannot be destroyed (1)
The judge
Uncreated; Lord Shiva; Truthful; Eternal; Lord Krishna; Who does not have any end; Without beginning
The Disease-less; The Trouble-less; Another name of Lord Shiva
A name of Lord Buddha
Worship; Ananay word has been used by Lord Sri Krishna in Gita in association with focused worship Ananay Bhakti
Lord Vishnu; Without Form; Name of Cupid or Kamadeva; Name of cupid; Kamadeva (1)
Smart One; Creative and Active; Lived in North America During the Cretaceous Period; Close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme
A Token; A Symbol; Gathering; Society; Meeting
New Life; Loving Nature; Glow; Sprout; Flower; Blossom; The Step of Seed to be Come a Tree; Sapling; Offshoot; Newborn
Palm tree
Sunbeam; Gentle; Brilliant; Radiant
The Sun; Lord Surya (Sun); Portion
Devoted; Illuminating; Enlightening; Good Boy; Brilliant
Lent Lily
Brilliant; Ocean; Sea; Vast; Endless Ocean; Stream; Wave; Silence of Ocean
Meaning; Like an Eagle; Meaningful
Formless; Nirakar; Extremely beautiful; Full of Joy or blissful (1)
A cavalier; A Hindu month; Medical God; A Hindu Month
Beauty; Son of Ashim
Awesh means passion; Josh in Hindi (1); Passion or Josh in Hindi
Long Lived; Long Life; Handsome; Intelligent; Long lived
Beloved; Dear
Krishna's Brother; Krishnas brother
Radhaji's Birthplace; Radhajis birthplace
Lord of the sea
Venus; Flute; Created with immense power; Fish
Win; Victory
A Sacred Leaf Used in Shiv Pooja; It comes from An indian leaf - Bilwa patra its is also that bilwanilayam which means Goddess lakshmis house
Courageous; Warrior
Knowledge; Intelligent; Understanding; Awakening; Perception
Father of Chaanakya;
Wisdom; Grandeur; Soul; Heart; Mind
Deodar tree
Ruler; Style....in every thing; An Occasion of Seeing a Holy Person or the Image of a Deity
Servant of God; Follower of God
Existing in two forms; Spiritual; Duality
One eyed; Lord Shiva
Shining; Passion of the Sun; Lord; Master; Gods Grace; Lord Shiva; Lord Sun or north-east direction; Desiring and wishing
Born of Ashes; Call
Big Elephant; King of elephant
Lord Buddha; God Gifted; One who enlightens
Good Character; Goon ka adhikari
Brightness; Eye
Who Give You Love; Gives Love
Who wants good for every one; Lovable; Beneficial
Warm; Nice; Red
Faith; Belief; Faithful; Believer of Faith
Eminent; Lord Shiva; Selflessness; {m}fascinating; {h}lord Shiva
Gods gracious and glorious gift; Sun; Ruler; Royal
The Universe; World
Rishi who Kept Ganga on his Legs; Super Man; Hindu Rishi who kept Ganga on his legs
Related to God
Swift; Fast
King; Lord Vishnu; Lord Brahma; The Kings Jester the One who Laughs
Lord of Victory; Always Winner; Intelligent; Lord of victory; Brilliant
Brother of Gertrude;
One of 108 names of the Sun God
Life; Soul
Warrior; Eatrior; Princess
God is Merciful; Gift of God; God is Gracious; By the Grace of God; God has been gracious: has shown favor in the bible John the baptist baptized christ in the jordan
Jehovah Saves; The Lord is Salvation; Yahweh; Funny; Friendship; Love; God is salvation
Honorable; Righteous; Righteous (1)
Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva; Lord of everything
Knower of meaning
Power; Indestructible Vishnu like
Kind; Merciful; Gentle; Compassionate