More Glory; Great Fame
Wagon Driver; Wagon Maker
Singular; Unique; Alone; Exclusively; Unequalled; Exceptional; Peerless
Mighty Mountain
Famous Ruler
Army of Power; People of Power; Commander of the Army
Healthy; Strong
To be Strong; Healthy
Newborn Child; Newly-born
People of Power; Powerful Warrior; Commander of the Army; Army Ruler
People of Power; Strong Fighter; Ruler of the Army
Get Fat; Wanderer; A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group; Vandals; Look Healthy; Open Area
Friend; Literary; Wends; Vandals; Fence; Enclosure; Protection; White and Smooth; Soft; Fair Bow
Great Glory; Glorious Garland
Army Protector; Army Defender; Army Warrior; Defending Warrior; Wanderer; Defense Army
Conqueror; Victorious; Victory
Will-bright; Wilful; Resolute; Brilliant; Desire; Bright; Famous; Bright Fortress
Willow; Wild; Untamed; Willow Tree
A Wish for Peace; Resolute; Peaceful; Much Peace
Purposeful Peace; Desires Peace
German Form of William; Will-helmet; Will Desire; Helmet Protection
Will; Desire; Helmet
Will; Desire; Helmet; Resolute Protector; Feminine Variant of William; Resolute Guardian; Desire and Protection; Will Helmet; Protect
Will-helmet; Helmet; Protection
Resolute; Famous
Protection; Will-helmet; Will; Desire; Bright
Protection; Will-helmet; Will; Desire; Bright
Resolute Protector; Will-helmet; Will Desire; Valley; Unwavering Protector; Protect
Resolute Protector; Will; Helmet; Bold; Brave; Diminutive of William; Protect
Will; Desire; Helmet; Short Form of Wilhelmina; Resolute Protector; Feminine Variant of William; Will-helmet; Protect; Will Helmet
Resolute; Famous; Will; Helmet; Bold; Brave; Will-helmet
Will Famous; Resolute; Determined Fame; Bold; Brave; Will Helmet; Protect; Famous
Holy; Blessed Reconciliation; Joy; Peace; Holy Peacemaking
Friend; Fair; White; Heart
Elf; Friend
Friend of Peace; White; Diminutive of Winston; First Born Daughter; Victor; Conqueror; Fair One; White and Smooth; Soft; Happiness; Holy; Blessed Peace; Fair Reconciliation
Peaceful Friend; Fair; Holy; Blessed Reconciliation; Joy and Peace; Blessed Peace; White Wave
Glorious Ruler
Advancing Wolf; Wolf Quarrel; Wolf Traveling