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Dontae Morris

Updated: Jul 24, 2024 | πŸ‘οΈ 1 Views | πŸ”Š 8 Pronunciations

Gender: Male

On this page:

  • 1. Who is Dontae Morris?
  • 2. Dontae Morris Meaning
  • 3. Dontae Morris Pronunciation Guide
  • 4. Record your pronunciation of Dontae Morris
  • 5. Translations of Dontae Morris
  • 6. Dontae Name Popularity
  • 7. Dontae popularity in U.S.
  • 8. Famous People with Name Dontae Morris
  • 9. Dontae Morris Name Poster
  • 10. Names similar to Dontae Morris

Who is Dontae Morris?

Dontae Rashawn Morris is an American serial killer who shot and killed five people in Tampa between May and June 2010. He was initially sentenced to three death sentences in two cases. After a 2016 change in Florida law requiring a jury to recommend death unanimously, Morris appealed all of his death penalty verdicts. In case 2010-CF-10203A, the murder of Tampa Police officers David Curtis and Jeffrey Kocab, the jury had returned a unanimous verdict recommending death. As such, in 2021, the Florida Supreme Court affirmed his sentence of death in that case. In 2010-CF-10373, the murder of Derek Anderson, death was recommended by a majority, rather than unanimously. In 2021, Morris appealed and instead of retrying the case, State Attorney Andrew Warren elected to agree to re-sentencing Morris to life in prison on that case. Morris is also sentence to life in prison for the murder of Rodney Jones.
Source: Wikipedia | Last updated on April 27, 2024

Dontae Morris Meaning

On the name Dontae Morris, Dontae means To Endure, Contemporary Phonetic Variant of Dante, Enduring. Morris means Son of More, Sea-strength, Moor, Dark Skinned.

The name Dontae Morris is often used as a Male name and is mostly used as a First Name.

Dontae is commonly found in United States of America, Jamaica, United Kingdom, and 5 more countries.

Dontae Morris Pronunciation Guide

How to pronounce Dontae Morris?

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Translations of Dontae Morris

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Dontae Name Popularity

At NamesLook, the name Dontae is recorded 468 times globally, ranking it as the 60,301th most common name worldwide.

Dontae is most prevalent in United States of America, with 377 occurrences, making it the 6,234th most popular name in the country.

In Jamaica, the name Dontae is found among 1 in every 1444 people, showcasing its highest frequency there.

Dontae Popularity by Country

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United States of America#6,2341 : 4,799
Jamaica#8771 : 1,444

List of countries the name Dontae is rarely found

Dontae popularity in U.S.


This chart displays the ranking of the name Dontae from 1980 to 2023, based on the most recent data from the U.S. Social Security Administration.

Famous People with Name Dontae Morris

  • Dontae Morris is a Serial_killer from US.

    Dontae Rashawn Morris is an American serial killer who shot and killed five people in Tampa between May and June 2010. He was initially sentenced to three death sentences in two cases. After a 2016 change in Florida law requiring a jury to recommend death unanimously, Morris appealed all of his death penalty verdicts. In case 2010-CF-10203A, the murder of Tampa Police officers David Curtis and Jeffrey Kocab, the jury had returned a unanimous verdict recommending death. As such, in 2021, the Florida Supreme Court affirmed his sentence of death in that case. In 2010-CF-10373, the murder of Derek Anderson, death was recommended by a majority, rather than unanimously. In 2021, Morris appealed and instead of retrying the case, State Attorney Andrew Warren elected to agree to re-sentencing Morris to life in prison on that case. Morris is also sentence to life in prison for the murder of Rodney Jones.

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Nicknames for Dontae Morris

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Dontae Morris Name Poster

Dontae Morris Name Poster
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Names similar to Dontae Morris

Dontae Terrell Dontaea Dontaeah Dontaedujione Dontaee Dontaei Dontael Dontaesh Dontaeus Dontaevious Dontaevis Dontaevius Dontaey

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