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Doretta Frenna Smith

Updated: Jul 24, 2024 | 👁️ 2 Views | 🔊 15 Pronunciations

Gender: Female

On this page:

  • 1. Who is Doretta Frenna Smith?
  • 2. Doretta Frenna Smith Meaning
  • 3. Doretta Frenna Smith Pronunciation Guide
  • 4. Record your pronunciation of Doretta Frenna Smith
  • 5. Translations of Doretta Frenna Smith
  • 6. Smith Name Popularity
  • 7. Smith popularity in U.S.
  • 8. Famous People with Name Doretta Frenna Smith
  • 9. Names similar to Doretta Frenna Smith

Who is Doretta Frenna Smith?

Doretta Frenna Smith (1924–2012) was an artist born and raised in Trieste, Italy. She was known for her impressionist realism watercolors. Her higher education in Italy includes; Magistrale Institute, The Technical Institute of Accounting, Commercial Institute of Comtometry, Berliz School of Languages, Enenkel School of Art and Design and Popolare University. She married an American serviceman at the end of World War II in Trieste Italy and moved to the United States in December 1948 and settled in Jacksonville, North Carolina where she lived out her life. She put her work aside for several years to raise eight children. Being inspired in 1971 while watching her oldest son graduate from East Carolina University, she resumed her studies by attending art lectures, demonstration classes from regionally known artists, as well as attending classes at St John Museum of Art in Wilmington NC, Coastal Carolina Community College in Jacksonville NC, Pitt Technical Institute in Greenville NC and Fayetteville Technical Institute. She greatly valued the opportunity to attend an art seminar conducted by Fredrick Taubes of New York City which inspired her style. In 1973 she began teaching art at Coastal Carolina Community College until 1978 where she turned to painting full-time. Her life in Italy during World War II had a profound effect on her work. She used her art to help her erase the memories of the war. Her first set of paintings where scenes from her childhood, that she called her "Italian Collection". Most of the "Italian Collection" were oil paintings, a media that she used early in her career before switching to watercolor. In the late 1970s she began painting local scenes of eastern North Carolina, floral and other areas of interest. She often painted with opera playing in the background and had commented that the music creates the mood that she would translate visually. Her watercolors often produced startling results which added to the spiritual dimension while leaving something to the imagination of the viewer. Her awards for her art are in the hundreds with numerous one person shows. She had many private collectors from all around the world to include, Italy, Germany, South America, China and Russia.
Source: Wikipedia | Last updated on April 27, 2024

Doretta Frenna Smith Meaning

On the name Doretta Frenna Smith, Smith means Tradesman, Blacksmith, Smile, Devine smile.

The name Doretta Frenna Smith is often used as a Female name and is mostly used as a Last Name.

Smith is commonly found in Nigeria, Colombia, Peru, and 87 more countries.

Doretta Frenna Smith Pronunciation Guide

How to pronounce Doretta Frenna Smith?

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  • English (US)
    English (US)
  • English (US)
    English (US)
  • English (US)
    English (US)
  • English (UK)
    English (UK)
  • Spanish (Spain)
    Spanish (Spain)
  • French (France)
    French (France)
  • German (Germany)
    German (Germany)
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
    Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Italian (Italy)
    Italian (Italy)
  • Dutch (Netherlands)
    Dutch (Netherlands)
  • Russian (Russia)
    Russian (Russia)
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  • Mandarin Chinese
    Mandarin Chinese
  • English (India)
    English (India)
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    Hindi (India)
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Translations of Doretta Frenna Smith

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Smith Name Popularity

At NamesLook, the name Smith is recorded 11,707 times globally, ranking it as the 4,998th most common name worldwide.

Smith is most prevalent in Nigeria, with 2,263 occurrences, making it the 616th most popular name in the country.

In Nigeria, the name Smith is found among 1 in every 512 people, showcasing its highest frequency there.

Smith Popularity by Country

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Nigeria#6161 : 512
Colombia#1,0491 : 705
Peru#6601 : 560
United States of America#2,3441 : 1,356
South Africa#3,2631 : 4,536
France#4,4271 : 4,450
Saudi Arabia#8,4181 : 10,008
United Kingdom#2,9721 : 2,084
Cameroon#1,0931 : 1,865
Italy#7,3061 : 7,167
Chile#2,6051 : 3,644
Malaysia#6,8491 : 12,364
United Arab Emirates#5,2381 : 7,426
India#4,4621 : 6,570
Algeria#6,6671 : 10,079
Ghana#9571 : 1,599
Oman#4,6681 : 5,834
Panama#1,5221 : 1,852
China#6261 : 1,324
Mexico#6,4511 : 8,189
Kuwait#4,1001 : 6,537
Hong Kong#2,7931 : 4,562
Canada#4,1431 : 3,807
Morocco#9,5271 : 12,536
Qatar#4,1711 : 6,688
Singapore#4,4691 : 8,433
Brazil#7,6261 : 12,488
Philippines#1,9581 : 4,496
Egypt#30,5711 : 44,980
Tunisia#8,3971 : 12,706
Bolivia#4,2801 : 8,151
Angola#1,0871 : 5,946
Spain#10,2591 : 15,683
Jamaica#1,2091 : 2,110
Guatemala#3,5921 : 6,476
Iraq#26,1391 : 39,693
Namibia#1,4801 : 4,217
Bangladesh#10,2631 : 16,712
Turkey#18,8051 : 34,882
Libya#10,1121 : 21,729
Belgium#7,7661 : 11,107
Mauritius#2,9181 : 4,650
Bahrain#5,6861 : 10,965
Sudan#23,0341 : 53,756
Netherlands#12,1971 : 15,808
Russia#13,4771 : 16,952
Costa Rica#4,3341 : 6,117
Germany#11,8831 : 17,462
Taiwan#3,5971 : 10,447

List of countries the name Smith is rarely found

Smith popularity in U.S.


This chart displays the ranking of the name Smith from 1980 to 2023, based on the most recent data from the U.S. Social Security Administration.

Famous People with Name Doretta Frenna Smith

  • Doretta Frenna Smith is a Painter from US.

    Doretta Frenna Smith (1924–2012) was an artist born and raised in Trieste, Italy. She was known for her impressionist realism watercolors. Her higher education in Italy includes; Magistrale Institute, The Technical Institute of Accounting, Commercial Institute of Comtometry, Berliz School of Languages, Enenkel School of Art and Design and Popolare University. She married an American serviceman at the end of World War II in Trieste Italy and moved to the United States in December 1948 and settled in Jacksonville, North Carolina where she lived out her life. She put her work aside for several years to raise eight children. Being inspired in 1971 while watching her oldest son graduate from East Carolina University, she resumed her studies by attending art lectures, demonstration classes from regionally known artists, as well as attending classes at St John Museum of Art in Wilmington NC, Coastal Carolina Community College in Jacksonville NC, Pitt Technical Institute in Greenville NC and Fayetteville Technical Institute. She greatly valued the opportunity to attend an art seminar conducted by Fredrick Taubes of New York City which inspired her style. In 1973 she began teaching art at Coastal Carolina Community College until 1978 where she turned to painting full-time. Her life in Italy during World War II had a profound effect on her work. She used her art to help her erase the memories of the war. Her first set of paintings where scenes from her childhood, that she called her "Italian Collection". Most of the "Italian Collection" were oil paintings, a media that she used early in her career before switching to watercolor. In the late 1970s she began painting local scenes of eastern North Carolina, floral and other areas of interest. She often painted with opera playing in the background and had commented that the music creates the mood that she would translate visually. Her watercolors often produced startling results which added to the spiritual dimension while leaving something to the imagination of the viewer. Her awards for her art are in the hundreds with numerous one person shows. She had many private collectors from all around the world to include, Italy, Germany, South America, China and Russia.

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Nicknames for Doretta Frenna Smith

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Names similar to Doretta Frenna Smith

Doretta Kilpatrick Doretta Maria Loschelder Doretta Mavis Doretta Mcgarry Doretta Morrow Doretta Pacini Doretta Rayon Doretta Sui Yin Doretta Yvonne Dorettah Dorettajean Dorettas Dorettasue Dorette Dorette Alvine

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