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Martin Thomas
By Martin Thomas Creative Content Writer
Updated: Oct 28, 2024 | 👁️ 18 Views | 🔊 16 Pronunciations
✔️ Fact Checked by Sangeetha Sivaguru (Senior Content Specialist)

Gender: Female

Origin: Greek

Meaning: From Doris, Dorian Woman, Woman of the Sea, Gift

Pronunciation: DOHR-is, /ˈdɔrɪs/, D AO R AH S

Popularity Rank: #655

On this page:

  • 1. Doris Meanings
  • 2. Doris Pronunciation Guide
  • 3. Record your pronunciation of Doris
  • 4. Translations of Doris
  • 5. Doris Name Popularity
  • 6. Doris popularity in U.S.
  • 7. Famous People with Name Doris
  • 8. Nicknames for Doris
  • 9. Doris Name Poster
  • 10. Names similar to Doris

Doris Meanings

  • From Doris
  • Dorian Woman
  • Woman of the Sea
  • Gift
  • Gift from God
  • Name of a Place
  • Origin - Greek

Doris is a name of Greek origin meaning 'gift'. It is also the name of a sea nymph in Greek mythology. The name symbolizes beauty, grace, and generosity.

The name Doris is of Greek origin and means From Doris, Dorian Woman, Woman of the Sea, Gift, Gift from God, Name of a Place. It is often used as a Female name and is mostly used as a First Name.

Doris is commonly found in Colombia, United States of America, Peru, and 89 more countries.

Doris Pronunciation Guide

Phonetic Pronunciation: DOHR-is

IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet): /ˈdɔrɪs/

ARPAbet Phonetic Pronunciation: D AO R AH S

D: Pronounce as in "dog" (D AO G)

AO: Pronounce as in "thought" (TH AO T)

R: Pronounce as in "red" (R EH D)

AH: Pronounce as in "but" (B AH T)

S: Pronounce as in "sit" (S IH T)

This pronunciation guide uses the ARPABET system, a phonetic notation developed by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) for speech recognition systems. Each ARPABET symbol corresponds to a distinct sound in English. For example, 'JH' represents the sound as in 'joke,' 'AA' represents the sound as in 'father,' and 'N' represents the sound as in 'no.'

The pronunciation guide was generated using the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary, a public domain resource for phonetic pronunciations of words.

How to pronounce Doris?

Learn how to pronounce Doris correctly by listening to our 16 audio pronunciations. Click to hear each pronunciation as many times as you need to master it.

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    Spanish (Spain)
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    French (France)
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    German (Germany)
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Translations of Doris

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Doris Name Popularity

At NamesLook, the name Doris is recorded 91,042 times globally, ranking it as the 655th most common name worldwide.

Doris is most prevalent in Colombia, with 18,168 occurrences, making it the 151th most popular name in the country.

In Austria, the name Doris is found among 1 in every 30 people, showcasing its highest frequency there.

Doris Popularity by Country

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Colombia#1511 : 71
United States of America#4981 : 158
Peru#1221 : 98
Germany#1851 : 60
Nigeria#2671 : 246
Chile#2851 : 159
Austria#641 : 30
Italy#9031 : 387
Mexico#6241 : 311
Singapore#1741 : 303
Ghana#731 : 98
Switzerland#1191 : 103
Hong Kong#2501 : 254
Malaysia#8261 : 1,232
South Africa#1,3261 : 1,480
Panama#1181 : 134
France#1,4291 : 864
Bolivia#4191 : 292
Spain#9801 : 551
United Kingdom#1,0851 : 506
Cameroon#3041 : 432
Costa Rica#2791 : 147
Canada#6081 : 388
Guatemala#3181 : 256
China#1561 : 257
Croatia#2291 : 68
Uruguay#4261 : 223
Malta#201 : 51
Netherlands#1,6021 : 912
Belgium#1,2061 : 735
Argentina#7441 : 595
Taiwan#1511 : 613
Brazil#3,1021 : 3,592
Saudi Arabia#11,4921 : 14,461
Ecuador#2851 : 322
Sweden#6841 : 559
Poland#6751 : 525
Israel#3,5321 : 2,297
Ireland#1,0311 : 688
Macao#3681 : 809
Kuwait#3,2651 : 5,033
Denmark#5751 : 695
Puerto Rico#1751 : 227
Mauritius#8411 : 1,008
Albania#8101 : 573
Philippines#1,1081 : 2,168
United Arab Emirates#6,6361 : 9,853
Palestine#4,5351 : 3,860
Egypt#21,4601 : 28,675
Lebanon#2,3111 : 2,488
Portugal#1,8381 : 2,668
Slovenia#7791 : 557
Greece#1,5621 : 1,867
Iran#3,8251 : 3,845
Finland#1,9391 : 2,701
Oman#10,2921 : 14,851
Czechia#1,4131 : 1,762
Qatar#6,6191 : 11,582
Japan#1,5151 : 2,530
Luxembourg#7981 : 1,067
Botswana#9401 : 2,653
Norway#1,5551 : 2,655
Turkey#18,8051 : 34,882
Jamaica#1,5611 : 2,939
Estonia#5881 : 476
Brunei Darussalam#9691 : 3,185
Honduras#891 : 240
Jordan#7,5651 : 12,817
Namibia#1,8491 : 5,447
Russia#13,4771 : 16,952
Algeria#27,7901 : 57,845
Morocco#25,9421 : 45,783

List of countries the name Doris is rarely found

Doris popularity in U.S.


This chart displays the ranking of the name Doris from 1980 to 2023, based on the most recent data from the U.S. Social Security Administration.

Famous People with Name Doris

  • Doris is a Moglie_di.
  • Doris is a Singer from Sweden.
  • Doris A. Davis is a Politician from US.
  • Doris Abele is a Biologist from Germany.
  • Doris Abeßer
    Doris Abeßer is a Actor from Germany.
  • Doris Abrahams is a Theater from US.
  • Doris Achelwilm is a Politician from Germany.
  • Doris Ahnen is a Politician from Germany.
  • Doris Ahnsjö
    Doris Ahnsjö is a Painter from Sweden.
  • Doris Akers is a Composer from US.
  • Doris Akol is a Lawyer from Uganda.
  • Doris Akrap is a Journalist from Germany.
  • Doris Allen is a Politician from US.
  • Doris Altewischer is a Politician from Germany.
  • Doris Altman is a Actor from Sweden.
  • Doris Anderson is a Journalist from Canada.
  • Doris Angleton is a Murder from US.
  • Doris Appel is a Presenter from Austria.
  • Doris Arden is a Actor from Germany.
  • Doris Arnold is a Pianist from United Kingdom.
  • Doris Auer is a Athletic from Austria.
  • Doris Baaten is a Actress from Netherlands.
  • Doris Bachmann-Medick
    Doris Bachmann-Medick is a Academic from Germany.
  • Doris Baker is a Actor from US.
  • Doris Balz is a Sculptor from Germany.
  • Doris Barnett is a Politician from Germany.
  • Doris Barr is a Baseball from US.
  • Doris Bartholomew is a Anthropologist from US.
  • Doris Batter is a Sprint from United Kingdom.
  • Doris Baum is a Politician from Germany.
  • Doris Baum is a Academic from Austria.
  • Doris Bačić
    Doris Bačić is a Football from Croatia.
  • Doris Beale is a Nurse from United Kingdom.
  • Doris Beck is a Politician from Liechtenstein.
  • Doris Beck is a Politician from US.
  • Doris Belack is a Actor from US.
  • Doris Benegas is a Politician from Spain.
  • Doris Bensimon is a Sociologist from Austria.
  • Doris Berger is a Player from Switzerland.
  • Doris Bethe is a Player from Germany.
  • Doris Betts is a Writer from US.
  • Doris Bierett is a Actor from Germany.
  • Doris Bigornia is a Journalist from Philippines.
  • Doris Bisang is a Athletic from Switzerland.
  • Doris Bischof-Köhler
    Doris Bischof-Köhler is a Professor from Germany.
  • Doris Blackburn is a Politician from Australia.
  • Doris Blair is a Artist from United Kingdom.
  • Doris Blind is a Wrestler from France.
  • Doris Bloom is a Artist from South Africa.
  • Doris Bohrer is a Deputy from US.
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Nicknames for Doris

Dazzlin' Doris, Delightful Doris, Darling Doris, Duchess Doris, Dreamy Doris, Devoted Doris, Daring Doris, Dynamic Doris, Dainty Doris, Diamond Doris

Doris Name Poster

Doris Name Poster
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Names similar to Doris

Doris Chuck Doris Dardan Doris Thomas Doris A Doris A. Davis Doris Abankwa Doris Abbey Doris Abele Doris Abena Doris Abibang Doris Abies Doris Abigail Doris Abiodun Doris Abra

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