Gender: Male
Dustin Yellin is an American artist living in Brooklyn, New York. His work embeds "hundreds of little pictures, drawings and images clipped out of magazines, art books and the like" to form tableaux in miniature, which the critic Gilda Williams, writing in Artforum, noted provides viewers "the ability to occupy a divine vantage point while enjoying an overwhelming sense of discovery and wonder". These works, which the artist refers to as "Frozen Cinema", have been featured at sites including New York's Lincoln Center, the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C, and the Brooklyn Museum, where Yellin's work is part of the permanent collection. Yellin has likewise participated in The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Artist Project. According to Andrew Durbin, "Yellin has formalized the central task of art—to archive: feelings, objects, events, selves—in his large glass blocks, recalling in their extreme hermeneutical diversity both as a past in which the representation of the human form was art's most recognizable enterprise and a future in which that enterprise is deeply complicated by the fact that the human form has been shredded, reformatted, revised, and redesigned, made precarious and permeable by technological and ecological shifts."
Source: Wikipedia | Last updated on May 7, 2024
On the name Dustin Yellin, Dustin means Valiant Fighter, Brave Warrior, Thor's Stone.
The name Dustin Yellin is often used as a Male name and is mostly used as a First Name.
Dustin is commonly found in United States of America, Germany, Canada, and 68 more countries.
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At NamesLook, the name Dustin is recorded 17,531 times globally, ranking it as the 3,567th most common name worldwide.
Dustin is most prevalent in United States of America, with 12,506 occurrences, making it the 451th most popular name in the country.
In United States of America, the name Dustin is found among 1 in every 145 people, showcasing its highest frequency there.
Country | Rank | Frequency |
United States of America | #451 | 1 : 145 |
Germany | #505 | 1 : 220 |
Canada | #425 | 1 : 261 |
South Africa | #4,776 | 1 : 7,663 |
Netherlands | #2,188 | 1 : 1,400 |
Peru | #3,652 | 1 : 6,239 |
Costa Rica | #1,258 | 1 : 951 |
Italy | #8,982 | 1 : 9,537 |
United Kingdom | #6,406 | 1 : 5,959 |
Chile | #4,781 | 1 : 8,028 |
This chart displays the ranking of the name Dustin from 1980 to 2023, based on the most recent data from the U.S. Social Security Administration.
Dustin Yellin is an American artist living in Brooklyn, New York. His work embeds "hundreds of little pictures, drawings and images clipped out of magazines, art books and the like" to form tableaux in miniature, which the critic Gilda Williams, writing in Artforum, noted provides viewers "the ability to occupy a divine vantage point while enjoying an overwhelming sense of discovery and wonder". These works, which the artist refers to as "Frozen Cinema", have been featured at sites including New York's Lincoln Center, the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C, and the Brooklyn Museum, where Yellin's work is part of the permanent collection. Yellin has likewise participated in The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Artist Project. According to Andrew Durbin, "Yellin has formalized the central task of art—to archive: feelings, objects, events, selves—in his large glass blocks, recalling in their extreme hermeneutical diversity both as a past in which the representation of the human form was art's most recognizable enterprise and a future in which that enterprise is deeply complicated by the fact that the human form has been shredded, reformatted, revised, and redesigned, made precarious and permeable by technological and ecological shifts."
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