Seeking a spiritual and meaningful Hindu name for your newborn? NamesLook brings you an extensive collection of Hindu baby names imbued with deep spiritual significance and traditional values. Each name is selected to echo the profound cultural heritage and religious depth of Hinduism.
Every name includes detailed meanings, the spiritual connotations, and popularity to guide you in choosing a name that resonates with your spiritual beliefs and cultural preferences. Begin your search here to find the perfect Hindu name that will inspire and bless your child.
Spirit; Soul
An ancient name
Name of a sage; Clever; Receptacle of glory; Name of a Sage
Speed; Bright; A Small but the First Part of an Element
The Sun
Span of Life; Age; Span of life
Long Life; Blessing; Forever; Age; Man; Long lived; One with long life
Independent; Free
Worshipper of Allah; Devoted; Obedient
Colour; Fragrance; Strength
Breath; Highborn and Steadfast; Child; Breathing Spirit; Son; Vapour; Healthy; Vanity; Breathing
Victory over Fear
Feeling; Sense; Virtual
Shining; Visible
Lord Shiva
Brave; Fearless; Name of Lord Shiva
Fearless; Beloved
Fearless; Better than Best; Brave; Perfectionist; Confidante
Most Intelligent; Recollection; Symbol
Well Born
Noble; Wise; Faultless; Transparent
Well Born; Well born woman
Victory; Winning; Victorious; Conquest; Complete victory
Victorious; Lord Krishna; One who is victorious (Abhijeet)
Brave; Courageous; One who is Victorious; Lord Krishna; One who is victorious (Abhijeet)
One who is victorious
Royal; Beloved; Fearless
Desire; Wish
Brave; Fearless; God; Arjuna's Son; Supreme Fighter; Arjunas son; Heroic; With self respect (Son of Arjuna and Subhadra; nephew to Krishna. He was slain in the battle of Kurukshetra when just sixteen years old.)
Celebrating; Acknowledge
To Rejoice; To Celebrate; To Praise; To Bless; Delight; To rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless; Congratulation; Welcoming; Felicitous
Congratulations; Greetings; Felicitous; Welcoming; To rejoice; To celebrate; To praise; To bless; Delight; Congratulation
Rock Star; Innovative; Creative; Nice Person; Novel; Young; Good Character; New; Quite new; Fresh; Modern; A sakta notable for his great leaning and spiritual attainment
New; Young; Fresh; Modern; A Sakta Notable for his Great Leaning and Spiritual Attainment; Novel; Innovative; Quite new; A sakta notable for his great leaning and spiritual attainment
Art of Expressing Acting; Expression
Mighty One; Single; A cowherd; Name of dynasty
Cowherd; A cowherd
Lord Shiva; The most handsome; Pleasing; Giver of pleasure
Fearless king; Regal; Bright; Fearless King
Wonderful; Handsome; Another Name for Lord Shiva; Pleasing; Powerful; Complete; Lord Shiva; The most handsome; Giver of pleasure
Great charioteer
Pleasant Look; Pleasing; Handsome; Pleasant
Pleasing Form; Handsome; Charming; Lord Shiva and Vishnu; Beautiful; Beautiful woman
Ritual or Installed as a King; Bathing of God; Bathing to God; Shower of milk; Water over An idol
Goddess of will; Companion; Sky
To enlighten; Brilliant; Powerful; Surrounded by glory; Shining; To Spread Brightness
Steady; Clear
Unborn; Nonexistent
Progressive; Progress; Sunrise; Elevation; Increase; Prosperity
Rising; Sunrise; Elevation; Increase; Prosperity
Arjunas son; Heroic; With self respect; Arjuna's Son
Eternal; Immortal; Who has no death; Indestructible
Young; Brand New; Novel; Innovative; Good Listener; New
Eternal; Immortal; Who has no death
My father is exalted
Bathing to God; Shower of milk; Water over An idol; Ritual
Father of Wealth
Conquering water
Faultless; Father of a Multitude and Many Nations
A Truthful Person; Saint
Precious Like Gold; Precious like God
God the Father of Peace
Very Clean
Powerful; Mighty
Not of the hot temper; Without anger; Gentle
Teacher; Another Name for Drona
Immovable; Constant; Guarantee
Still; Immovable; Constant
Lord of the Immovable; The Himalayas; The himalayas
Himalayan mountain
Not of the hot temper; Without anger; Gentle
Pain; Lipless; Who Embodies the Grief of the People
Without Worry; Care free
Release of Tensions; Inconceivable; A Name of Lord Shiva; Beyond Comprehension; Lord Shiva; Beyond comprehension
Seperation; Separation of newborns hair
Imperishable; A Name of Vishnu; Lord Krishna; A name of Lord Vishnu; Indestructible
Imperishable; A name of Lord Vishnu; Indestructible
Imperishable Joy; The Almighty
Lord Vishnu; Imperishable; Indestructible; Immovable
Lord Krishna; Lord Venkateswara; Lord Vishnu; Imperishable; Indestructible; Immovable
Surpassing Thought; Incogitable; Lord Shiva; Surpassing thought
Unending; Never Lapsing; Eternal
Pure; Blemishless
King of dance
Red Earth; First Human Being; Created by God; Red; Man; To be Red; Ruby; A Prophet's Name; Man of Earth; First Human; A prophets name; Black
Formidable; Brave