Gender: Male
Houmayoun Mahmoudi / Homayoun Mahmoudi, born 1966 in Tehran, is an Iranian/British cartoonist, graphic artist and designer. He studied graphic design at the University of Tehran and graduated in animation from Tarbiat Modares University. Skilled in his own style of minimal cartoon, he has his own technique of working on sandpapers. Mahmoudi is married to Nooshin Moradi, a fashion artist, and moved to the United Kingdom in 2004 and worked as a freelance designer and international artist. He is currently doing PhD research in art and design at Manchester Metropolitan University. He has won numerous international cartoon contests around the world since 1994 and his artworks are exhibited in modern art exhibitions globally. In 1998 Graphis magazine interviewed Houmayoun and published his artworks and between 1999 and 2006 he was working with the Ritzenhoff Design company as a member of their artist team.
Source: Wikipedia | Last updated on May 25, 2024
The name Houmayoun Mahmoudi is often used as a Male name.
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Houmayoun Mahmoudi / Homayoun Mahmoudi, born 1966 in Tehran, is an Iranian/British cartoonist, graphic artist and designer. He studied graphic design at the University of Tehran and graduated in animation from Tarbiat Modares University. Skilled in his own style of minimal cartoon, he has his own technique of working on sandpapers. Mahmoudi is married to Nooshin Moradi, a fashion artist, and moved to the United Kingdom in 2004 and worked as a freelance designer and international artist. He is currently doing PhD research in art and design at Manchester Metropolitan University. He has won numerous international cartoon contests around the world since 1994 and his artworks are exhibited in modern art exhibitions globally. In 1998 Graphis magazine interviewed Houmayoun and published his artworks and between 1999 and 2006 he was working with the Ritzenhoff Design company as a member of their artist team.
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