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Martin Thomas
By Martin Thomas Creative Content Writer
Updated: Aug 24, 2024 | 👁️ 27 Views | 🔊 16 Pronunciations
✔️ Fact Checked by Olivia Musembi (Senior Content Writer)

Gender: Female

Origin: German

Meaning: Universal or entire, Of the Nature of Wind, Moves Constantly

Pronunciation: ur-mah, /ˈɜːrmə/, ER M AH

Popularity Rank: #796

On this page:

  • 1. Irma Meanings
  • 2. Irma Pronunciation Guide
  • 3. Record your pronunciation of Irma
  • 4. Translations of Irma
  • 5. Irma Name Popularity
  • 6. Irma popularity in U.S.
  • 7. Famous People with Name Irma
  • 8. Irma Name Poster
  • 9. Names similar to Irma

Irma Meanings

  • Universal or entire
    💎 40
    martin on August 24, 2024
  • Of the Nature of Wind
  • Moves Constantly
  • Universal
  • Constant Movement
  • Wind
  • Origin - German

Derived from the Germanic name Irmgard, meaning 'universal, whole'. Irma is also a short form of the name Irmina, meaning 'entire, everything'.

The name Irma is of German origin and means Universal or entire, Of the Nature of Wind, Moves Constantly, Universal, Constant Movement, Wind. It is often used as a Female name and is mostly used as a First Name.

Irma is commonly found in United States of America, Mexico, Peru, and 94 more countries.

Irma Pronunciation Guide

Phonetic Pronunciation: ur-mah

IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet): /ˈɜːrmə/

ARPAbet Phonetic Pronunciation: ER M AH

ER: Pronounce as in "bird" (B ER D)

M: Pronounce as in "man" (M AE N)

AH: Pronounce as in "but" (B AH T)

This pronunciation guide uses the ARPABET system, a phonetic notation developed by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) for speech recognition systems. Each ARPABET symbol corresponds to a distinct sound in English. For example, 'JH' represents the sound as in 'joke,' 'AA' represents the sound as in 'father,' and 'N' represents the sound as in 'no.'

The pronunciation guide was generated using the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary, a public domain resource for phonetic pronunciations of words.

How to pronounce Irma?

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    Spanish (Spain)
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    French (France)
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    German (Germany)
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Translations of Irma

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Irma Name Popularity

At NamesLook, the name Irma is recorded 76,719 times globally, ranking it as the 796th most common name worldwide.

Irma is most prevalent in United States of America, with 17,659 occurrences, making it the 328th most popular name in the country.

In Lithuania, the name Irma is found among 1 in every 49 people, showcasing its highest frequency there.

Irma Popularity by Country

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United States of America#3281 : 102
Mexico#1321 : 52
Peru#2081 : 150
Italy#6651 : 230
Colombia#5301 : 288
Chile#3031 : 174
Netherlands#2951 : 117
Guatemala#841 : 93
Bolivia#2591 : 165
Argentina#2521 : 128
Spain#1,0111 : 579
Finland#2781 : 130
Malaysia#1,5691 : 2,315
South Africa#2,5371 : 3,289
Panama#3141 : 295
Uruguay#3651 : 176
Brazil#1,5351 : 1,422
Costa Rica#4571 : 251
France#2,8821 : 2,484
Turkey#2,5291 : 2,097
Lithuania#1341 : 49
Saudi Arabia#7,0571 : 8,101
Germany#1,7311 : 1,105
Albania#2931 : 198
Georgia#381 : 56
Canada#1,6961 : 1,216
Russia#2,0251 : 1,507
Switzerland#9321 : 742
United Kingdom#3,1171 : 2,202
Belgium#1,6981 : 1,198
Puerto Rico#1121 : 156
Israel#3,3001 : 2,063
Sweden#7741 : 633
Austria#8851 : 742
Singapore#2,2781 : 3,923
Greece#5791 : 658
United Arab Emirates#5,9571 : 8,653
Palestine#3,9431 : 3,132
Ecuador#4621 : 608
Indonesia#1331 : 477
Croatia#6971 : 444
Czechia#9231 : 914
Hong Kong#3,2051 : 5,303
Iran#2,7741 : 2,397
Philippines#1,4671 : 3,153
Hungary#4701 : 593
Oman#7,5331 : 10,210
Turkey#10,9491 : 17,155
Qatar#4,7851 : 7,914
Denmark#1,0161 : 1,449
Poland#1,2171 : 1,419
Ireland#1,8291 : 1,753
Taiwan#1,2691 : 4,139
Serbia#4211 : 420
Slovenia#8551 : 638
Portugal#2,3711 : 3,774
Cameroon#4,1611 : 10,676
Norway#1,2611 : 2,043
Kuwait#9,8791 : 18,650
Luxembourg#8401 : 1,134
Bahrain#4,7311 : 8,843
Namibia#1,8491 : 5,447
Japan#2,2081 : 3,961
Morocco#25,9421 : 45,783

List of countries the name Irma is rarely found

Irma popularity in U.S.


This chart displays the ranking of the name Irma from 1980 to 2023, based on the most recent data from the U.S. Social Security Administration.

Famous People with Name Irma

  • Irma is a Singer from Cameroon.
  • Irma Achten is a Writer from Netherlands.
  • Irma Adelman is a Economist from US.
  • Irma Adlawan is a Actor from Philippines.
  • Irma Anderson is a Politician from US.
  • Irma Arestizábal
    Irma Arestizábal is a Art_critic from Argentina.
  • Irma Arguello is a Chief_executive from Argentina.
  • Irma Aráuz
    Irma Aráuz is a Singer from Ecuador.
  • Irma Aubry is a Actor from France.
  • Irma Avegno is a Business from Uruguay.
  • Irma Baltuttis is a Singer from Germany.
  • Irma Bandiera is a Patriot from Italy.
  • Irma Becerra is a Writer from Honduras.
  • Irma Becerra Fernandez is a Education from Cuba.
  • Irma Beilke is a Opera from Germany.
  • Irma Benčić
    Irma Benčić is a Fascist from Croatia.
  • Irma Björck
    Irma Björck is a Actor from Sweden.
  • Irma Blanco is a Radio from US.
  • Irma Blank is a Painter from Germany.
  • Irma Blohm is a Politician from Germany.
  • Irma Boom is a Designer from Netherlands.
  • Irma Brandeis is a Poet from US.
  • Irma Capece Minutolo is a Actor from Italy.
  • Irma Carmona is a Actor from Mexico.
  • Irma Carolina Di Monte is a Actor from Argentina.
  • Irma Carrillo Ramirez is a Judge from US.
  • Irma Chilton is a Writer from United Kingdom.
  • Irma Christenson is a Actor from Sweden.
  • Irma Ciaramella is a Actor from Italy.
  • Irma Clark-Coleman
    Irma Clark-Coleman is a Politician from US.
  • Irma Contreras is a Athlete from Mexico.
  • Irma Contreras is a Choreographer from Venezuela.
  • Irma Cordero is a Player from Peru.
  • Irma Cué de Duarte
    Irma Cué de Duarte is a Lawyer from Mexico.
  • Irma Cuña
    Irma Cuña is a Poet from Argentina.
  • Irma Córdoba
    Irma Córdoba is a Actor from Argentina.
  • Irma Dimas is a Model from El Salvador.
  • Irma Dorantes is a Actor from Mexico.
  • Irma Elizondo Ramírez
    Irma Elizondo Ramírez is a Politician from Mexico.
  • Irma Elsa Gonzalez is a Lawyer from US.
  • Irma Emmrich is a Art_historian from Germany.
  • Irma Erixson is a Actor from Sweden.
  • Irma Flaquer is a Journalist from Guatemala.
  • Irma Franzen-Heinrichsdorff
    Irma Franzen-Heinrichsdorff is a Inspektor from Germany.
  • Irma García Blanco
    Irma García Blanco is a Alfarer from Mexico.
  • Irma Gillholm-Lundén
    Irma Gillholm-Lundén is a Sculptor from Sweden.
  • Irma Goecke is a Artist from Germany.
  • Irma Goldberg is a Chemist from Germany.
  • Irma González
    Irma González is a Music from Mexico.
  • Irma Gramatica is a Actor from Italy.
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Names similar to Irma

Irma A Irma A B Irma Abby Irma Abelardo Irma Abelina Irma Abi Guerrero Irma Abigail Irma Abj Irma Abrio Irma Acela Yolanda Irma Achten Irma Acosta Irma Adalia Irma Adela Irma Adelaida

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