Gender: Male
Jeffrey F. Hamburger is an American art historian specializing in medieval religious art and illuminated manuscripts. In 2000 he joined the faculty of Harvard University, where in 2008 he was appointed the Kuno Francke Professor of German Art and Culture. Hamburger received his B.A., M.A and Ph.D from Yale and has previously held professorships at Oberlin College and the University of Toronto. Elected a Fellow of the Medieval Academy in 2001, he has won numerous awards for his publications, among them: the Charles Rufus Morey Prize of the College Art Association (1999), the Roland H. Bainton Book Prize in Art & Music (1999), the Otto Gründler Prize of the International Congress on Medieval Studies (1999), the Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History of the American Philosophical Society (1998), the John Nicholas Brown Prize of the Medieval Academy of America (1994), and the Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities of the American Council of Graduate Schools (1991). His research has been supported by fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, the Institute for Advanced Study, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2009 Hamburger was elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and in 2010, of the American Philosophical Society. In 2015 he was awarded an Anneliese Maier Research Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2022 he was awarded the Gutenberg Prize of the City of Mainz and the Internationale Gutenberg-Gesellschaft.
Source: Wikipedia | Last updated on April 25, 2024
On the name Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Jeffrey means Divinely Peaceful, Peaceful Gift, God's Peace.
The name Jeffrey F. Hamburger is often used as a Male name and is mostly used as a First Name.
Jeffrey is commonly found in United States of America, Netherlands, South Africa, and 85 more countries.
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At NamesLook, the name Jeffrey is recorded 56,421 times globally, ranking it as the 1,160th most common name worldwide.
Jeffrey is most prevalent in United States of America, with 22,499 occurrences, making it the 241th most popular name in the country.
In Netherlands, the name Jeffrey is found among 1 in every 47 people, showcasing its highest frequency there.
Country | Rank | Frequency |
United States of America | #241 | 1 : 80 |
Netherlands | #95 | 1 : 47 |
South Africa | #535 | 1 : 614 |
Malaysia | #492 | 1 : 765 |
Singapore | #138 | 1 : 268 |
Canada | #301 | 1 : 195 |
United Kingdom | #791 | 1 : 320 |
Saudi Arabia | #1,883 | 1 : 1,771 |
Hong Kong | #282 | 1 : 289 |
Belgium | #584 | 1 : 285 |
This chart displays the ranking of the name Jeffrey from 1980 to 2023, based on the most recent data from the U.S. Social Security Administration.
Jeffrey F. Hamburger is an American art historian specializing in medieval religious art and illuminated manuscripts. In 2000 he joined the faculty of Harvard University, where in 2008 he was appointed the Kuno Francke Professor of German Art and Culture. Hamburger received his B.A., M.A and Ph.D from Yale and has previously held professorships at Oberlin College and the University of Toronto. Elected a Fellow of the Medieval Academy in 2001, he has won numerous awards for his publications, among them: the Charles Rufus Morey Prize of the College Art Association (1999), the Roland H. Bainton Book Prize in Art & Music (1999), the Otto Gründler Prize of the International Congress on Medieval Studies (1999), the Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History of the American Philosophical Society (1998), the John Nicholas Brown Prize of the Medieval Academy of America (1994), and the Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities of the American Council of Graduate Schools (1991). His research has been supported by fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, the Institute for Advanced Study, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2009 Hamburger was elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and in 2010, of the American Philosophical Society. In 2015 he was awarded an Anneliese Maier Research Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. In 2022 he was awarded the Gutenberg Prize of the City of Mainz and the Internationale Gutenberg-Gesellschaft.
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