Autumn Moon
Moon of autumn; Autumn Moon; Moon of Autumn
As Lovely as an Autumn
Moon of autumn; Autumn Moon
The earth; Protector; Guardian
A season
Moon in Sharad Season
The Goddess of Art and Literature; Goddess Saraswati; Goddess of learning; Saraswati
Goddess Saraswati
Lord Ganesh; Lion; Leader; The King; Tiger; A tiger
Lakshmi in the Form of the Remover of Diseases
Goddess Durga; Partner; Participant; Autumn
The earth; Protector; Guardian; Earth
Protection; Refuge; Joy; Comfort
Shyness; Modest; Happy; The Protected One; Shy
Shelter; Wife of Yayati; Beauty and intelligent (Wife of yayat)
Lord Vishnu
Goddess Saraswati; Goddess Parvati; Born in month of Shravan
The Night; Twilight
Moon; The Moon
Lord Krishna
Moon; The Moon
Full Moon; Lord Chandra (Moon); Lord Narasimha; The Moon
Other name of Lord Shiva; The Moon
The Moon
Lord Shiva; One who Wears Moon as Ornament
The Moon; One who Carries Moon; Lord Shiva
Moon Light; Brightness of Moon; Phases of Moon
Moon Light; Moon Stone; Moon stone
Moon Ray
Moon's Rays; Moons rays
The Moon Stone
The Moon
Moon; The Moon
Moon; The Moon
Lord Shiva
A Name for Lord Rama Eternal; A name of Lord Rama eternal
Ever Lasting; Continuous; Eternal; Permanent; Lord Shiva; Ever lasting
Guarantee; Eternal
Another Name of Ganesha
Hundred Years Old
Name of a river
Goddess Durga; One who has 100 Eyes
Lord Shiva
Hundred years old
Conquerer of Hundreds; Conqueror of hundreds
Another Name of Indra
Hundred Petaled Lotus
Victorious; Lord ramas brother
Victorious; Victorious (Rama's younger borther)
Victorious over enemies
One who overcomes enemies
King of mountains
Brave; Power; Dignity; Grandeur; Grand; Prestige; Richness
God's Gift; Gods gift
A Great Sage; A Wise Person; A great sage
Lord Vishnu
Bravery; Brave or Fame; Proud; Courage; Strong
Gift; Hawk-like; Eagle; Sharp
Well Natured; Dark Skinned
Goddess Durga
Peaceful child
Brightness; Snow White
A Beautiful and Fragrant Flower; Fragrant; A flower
A flower
A fruit
Lord Shiva; Peak
The Indian White Rose
Intellect; Understanding
Lord Vishnu
Cosmic serpent
One who holds snake
Goddess Parvati
A river
A flower
A Crysanthemum; A chrysanthemum
Goddess Durga
Fine Rain
Lord Shiva
Glow; Goddess Durga
Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
The Sun; Moving Quickly
Flame; Peak
Chief; Best
Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu
At the Top; Peak of Mountain; Peak