Foliage; Green Branch; Leaf; Greenery
A Rock; Form of Peter; Stone
Holy; Pious; Godly
Small; Little; Humble
Innocence of a Lamb; Sheep; Ewe; Female Sheep; Little Lamb; One with Purity; Jacob's Wife; Lamb; Gental
Industrious for the People
Happy; Peace
Happy Peace
Joyful World; Happy Peace; Great; Famous; Caring
Glad for Glory
To Trail a Garment
Queen; Advice; Decision; Protection; Wise Guardian; Pure; Clean; Form of Regina; Night; Beautiful princess
Counselor; Protector; Wise Protector; Protecting Hands
Early; Early Rising; A Peacock's Tail
Wolf Counsellor; Wolf; Form of Ralph Wolf Counsel; Strong Defender; Wise Wolf; Wise Counsel; Versatile
Wise and Strong; A Flower
Queen; Pure; Purity; Holy Dust
Poppy; Earth; In Greek Myth; Rhea was an Earth Mother; Following; Victor; To Flow; River; Stream; Flower Name for Poppy; Warrior; Rich or from hadria; Gem; Goddess Lakshmi; Graceful; Singer (1)
To Bind; Tied; Joined; Form of Rebecca; One who Snares
Queen; Purple Flower
A Rower; An Oarsman
Mighty and Brave; Strong Judgment; Strong Counselor; Fox; Powerful and Courageous; Strong Decision; Brave Counsel
Reborn; Born a New; Born Again; Rebirth
Queen; Born Again; Rebirth
Bright with Fame; Famed; Bright; Shining; An All-time Favorite Boys Name Since the Middle Ages; A; 14th-century King Robert the Bruce; Robert Burns the Poet
Rock; Glory; Rest; Battle; Cry
Famous Wolf
Light; Dawn of Day; Star; Bright; Sunrise
Famous Land Owner; Renowned in the Land; Renowned
Citizen of Roman; Man from Rome
Citizen of Rome; Woman from Rome; Romantic (1)
To Rule; Fame
Rose; Flower Name; Beautiful Rose
Usurper of Glory; To Usurp Glory; Seizer of Glory
Renowned Protector; Pretty Rose; Form of Rosalind; Tender Horse; Horse Protection
Paradise; Garden; Meadow
Famous Wolf; Wolf Fame
Famous Wolf; Russet; Ginger
A Fold; Secret Lore; Nap
Beautiful; Friend; Companion
Companion; Friend; Compassionate Friend; Season
Dominant Ruler; Rich and Powerful Ruler
Strong Ruler
Catlike; Form of Sabine; Of Ancient Italian Culture; Woman from the Sabine Tribe; Beautiful
Ruling the Mountain; King of Mountain.
Peaceful; Variant of Shalom; Peaceful Ruler
Listener; God has Heard; Flower; Equality; Bordering
Bright as the Sun; Sun Child; Like the Sun; His Ministry; Sun
Asked of God; Told by God; Name of King in Bible; Follower of Jesus; Heard by God
Form of Alexander; Helper and Defender of Mankind; Man's Defender; Manly; Virile; Defending Men
Man from Sebaste; Which was a City in Asia; Revered; Majestic; Vehement Protector
Man from Sebasta
Burning Passion; Fiery Ones; Ardent; Fiery-winged; From Seraphim or Xhosa
Burning Fire; From Seraphim; Fiery Ones
Prophetess; Oracle
Victorious Hand; Protector
Obeys; God has Listen; Listening Intently; To be Heard; He who has Heard
Glad for Glory
Glorious Peace
Knowledge; Wisdom; Will; Wise Form of Sophia
Fame; Glory; Careful; Thoughtful; Glorious Camp or Stand; Glorious Government
Fame; Glory; Careful; Spike; Ear of Corn; Famous for his Stead-fast Character; Strength; Stone; Glorious Camp or Stand
Camp Glory; Fame; Careful; Strength; Glory of the Camp
Star; Fame; Glory; Strength; Firmness; Peaceful; Glorious
Glorious Camp; Stand; Camp Glory; Stone Clearing; Fame; Careful; Becoming Glorious; Strength
Famous for his Stead-fast Character; Glorious Government; Strength; Firmness; Fame; Glory
Crowned; Crown of Laurels; Garland
Wreath; Similar to; Form of Steven; Crowned; Garland; Crown of Laurels
Crowned in Victory; Garland; Crowned
Exalts; Crown; Garland
To Wear a Crown; Wreath; Garland; Crowned
Gentle in Nature; High Ability
Woods; Forest; From the Forest; From the Woods
Sign; Heard; Obedient
Listening Intently; God has Heard
Gift of God; Given by God
Happy; Measure of Land; Form of Tate; To be Cheerful
Fairy Princess; Fairy Queen; Roman Clan Names Tatius; Similar to an Ancient Italian Name; Myth Name; Female Version of Roman Family Clan Name Tatius; A Saint's Name
Glory of God; Famous; Divine Fame
Bold; Brave
Gift of God; God's Gift
Gift from God; God's Gift; Feminine of Theodore
Beloved of God; One who Loves God
Harvester; Guardian
Harvester; Late Summer; To Flow Down
Harvester; Hunter; Guardian
Loved by God; Friend of God; One who Loves God
God-loving; Loved by God
God is Good
Farmer; Son of Talmai; Abounding in Furrows; Worthy of Praise; Diminutive of Bartholomew