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Richard Abels

Updated: Jul 24, 2024 | 👁️ 1 Views | 🔊 15 Pronunciations

Gender: Male

On this page:

  • 1. Who is Richard Abels?
  • 2. Richard Abels Meaning
  • 3. Richard Abels Pronunciation Guide
  • 4. Record your pronunciation of Richard Abels
  • 5. Translations of Richard Abels
  • 6. Richard Name Popularity
  • 7. Richard popularity in U.S.
  • 8. Famous People with Name Richard Abels
  • 9. Richard Abels Name Poster
  • 10. Names similar to Richard Abels

Who is Richard Abels?

Richard Abels FRHistS is professor emeritus of history at the United States Naval Academy. Abels is a specialist in the military and political institutions of Anglo-Saxon England. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America (2024). Abels' approach to medieval military history focuses upon the influence of culture upon the practice and representation of warfare. With his wife Ellen Harrison, Abels is also the co-author of an article examining the role played by women in the Cathar heresy based upon a statistical analysis of Inquisitiorial registers.
Source: Wikipedia | Last updated on April 28, 2024

Richard Abels Meaning

On the name Richard Abels, Richard means Brave One, Strong Ruler, A Teutonic Name from the European Middle Ages, Dominant Ruler, Powerful Leader.

The name Richard Abels is often used as a Male name and is mostly used as a First Name.

Richard is commonly found in United States of America, United Kingdom, France, and 98 more countries.

Richard Abels Pronunciation Guide

How to pronounce Richard Abels?

Learn how to pronounce Richard Abels correctly by listening to our 15 audio pronunciations. Click to hear each pronunciation as many times as you need to master it.

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Translations of Richard Abels

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Richard Name Popularity

At NamesLook, the name Richard is recorded 295,688 times globally, ranking it as the 117th most common name worldwide.

Richard is most prevalent in United States of America, with 65,747 occurrences, making it the 40th most popular name in the country.

In United Kingdom, the name Richard is found among 1 in every 10 people, showcasing its highest frequency there.

Richard Popularity by Country

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United States of America#401 : 28
United Kingdom#131 : 10
France#2021 : 73
Netherlands#181 : 24
Peru#531 : 66
South Africa#781 : 186
Colombia#2711 : 128
Nigeria#1331 : 142
Canada#321 : 48
Chile#1631 : 87
Bolivia#741 : 58
Ghana#101 : 34
Germany#2391 : 81
Malaysia#2351 : 478
Italy#7521 : 295
Uruguay#761 : 30
Singapore#401 : 146
Mexico#5081 : 234
Saudi Arabia#9631 : 849
Spain#4521 : 193
Ireland#881 : 29
Iran#1991 : 73
Czechia#1081 : 30
Brazil#4841 : 347
Cameroon#841 : 195
Austria#1161 : 55
Philippines#141 : 160
Panama#1261 : 138
United Arab Emirates#5411 : 687
Jamaica#81 : 58
Sweden#1461 : 68
Hong Kong#3081 : 316
Belgium#4651 : 220
Costa Rica#2321 : 121
Switzerland#2261 : 169
Qatar#2871 : 588
China#921 : 183
Argentina#4891 : 295
Oman#8581 : 977
Kuwait#6101 : 985
Guatemala#4911 : 431
Taiwan#1121 : 525
Lebanon#6961 : 538
Norway#2391 : 216
Ecuador#1631 : 169
Namibia#891 : 388
Morocco#3,3121 : 3,201
Hungary#1951 : 141
Russia#1,9791 : 1,458
Israel#2,1851 : 1,165
Portugal#6291 : 577
Mauritius#3961 : 482
Bahrain#6381 : 1,187
Finland#6711 : 548
Palestine#2,5101 : 1,660
India#3,2761 : 4,458
Denmark#4171 : 457
Malta#981 : 123
Macao#2651 : 599
Puerto Rico#1071 : 153
Japan#3391 : 506
Algeria#5,6091 : 8,213
Egypt#12,4941 : 14,337
Botswana#1741 : 555
Bangladesh#3,3041 : 3,917
Libya#3,1331 : 5,123
Luxembourg#2621 : 308
Poland#8401 : 759
Indonesia#1281 : 467
Sudan#7,4881 : 14,451
Brunei Darussalam#1661 : 952
Tunisia#5,1831 : 6,648
Turkey#10,5811 : 16,351
Burundi#111 : 126
Angola#8661 : 4,574
Cyprus#3241 : 513
Estonia#3661 : 262
Greece#1,5621 : 1,867
Kazakhstan#6,2241 : 5,822
Croatia#1,2171 : 1,232
Syrian Arab Republic#14,2401 : 20,476
Haiti#191 : 367
Iraq#31,7961 : 51,270
Bulgaria#2,2741 : 2,004

List of countries the name Richard is rarely found

Richard popularity in U.S.


This chart displays the ranking of the name Richard from 1980 to 2023, based on the most recent data from the U.S. Social Security Administration.

Famous People with Name Richard Abels

  • Richard Abels is a Academic from US.

    Richard Abels FRHistS is professor emeritus of history at the United States Naval Academy. Abels is a specialist in the military and political institutions of Anglo-Saxon England. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America (2024). Abels' approach to medieval military history focuses upon the influence of culture upon the practice and representation of warfare. With his wife Ellen Harrison, Abels is also the co-author of an article examining the role played by women in the Cathar heresy based upon a statistical analysis of Inquisitiorial registers.

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Nicknames for Richard Abels

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Richard Abels Name Poster

Richard Abels Name Poster
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Names similar to Richard Abels

Richard Abidin Richard Abigan Richard Abimbola Richard Abimiku Richard Abinare Richard Abingdon Richard Abiodun Richard Abocado Richard Aborn Richard Abosede Richard Aboulafia Richard Abraham Richard Abraham Cerda Richard Abrahamson Richard Abrahan

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