Glow; Sun Rays; Strength; Desired; One who shines; Luster; Shine
Highest honor; Goddess Lakshmi; Godess Laxmi
Goddess Lakshmi; Mountain; Celestial; Mountain or celestial
Blissful; Joyful
Blessed with God; God Gifted; God has shown favour
Dusk Lamp Below Tulsi Plant; Dusk lamp beneath Tulsi plant
First Rise of Sun
Lines on Any Particular Raaga from Sanskrit; Permutations and Combinations of Parents; Aarya Cost King Ashoka's Birth; Goddess Parvati; Durga; A noble lady
Hope; Aspiration; Admirable
One who is Full of Hope;
Helping Nature; Somebody who Gives Shelter; Goddess Parvati; Somebody who gives shelter; Goddess Lakshmi
I am; Self-confident; I am Soul
Faith; Trust
Daughter; Daughter of the soul
Splendour; Light; Splendor
Victorious woman
Remembrance; Recollection
Desire; Wish
Expression; Expressions
Wish; Desire; Strong desire
Beloved; The beloved one
Installed on a Throne; Women crowned in royal chair
To enlighten; Brilliant; Powerful; Surrounded by glory; Shining; To Enlighten
Fearless; Brave; Courageous
Brief; Swift; Fast
More; Greater
A scholar
Learned Man; Scholar; Mother of gods
Noble Minded; Slender; Delicate
Clear Spoken Person; Ordered
Exalted; Goddess Laxmi / Parvati
Highest honor; Goddess Lakshmi
Of the Mountain; Daughter of Himalaya; Goddess Durga / Laxmi / Parvathi; Of the mountain; Another name of Parvati
Goddess Lakshmi; Celestial; Mountain or celestial
Perception; Gayab
Love; Sweetness; Kindness; A Respected Woman; Independent; Supportive; One who is loved by everyone
World; Earth; Unique
Matchless; The First; Unique
Mountainous; Born on a mountain
Name of a sage
Wife of Rishi Gautam; Women Rescued by Lord Rama; Rishi gautama’s wife; Woman rescued by Lord Rama; Night (Wife of sage Gautama; who was turned into a stone and later became free from curse by the touch of Rama)
Grace; Pure
Maiden; Without Any Deformation; Wife of Gautam Rishi; A Woman who was Saved by Lord Rama
In Happy mood; Delighted; In Happy Mood
Unity; One Alone
Lighting of Eyes; The Powerful; Belongs to the Powerful; Another Name of Goddess Durga
Another Name of Goddess Durga; Goddess Durga
Money; Wealth; Attraction; God of Love; Loveable; Prosperity; Goddess Laxmi; Rich
Belongs to the Lord; Lordly
Fire; Unborn; Purity; Path of Light; One who is self existent
He Fights for What is his; Of Noble Birth
Creative; A Famous Buddhist Cave
Pure; Moon Light; Free from Impurity; Free from impurity; Moonlight
Nature or beautiful; Figure; Design
Goddess Parvati
Letters; Goddess Saraswati; Unalterable
No End; Rice; Immortal; Unscathed; Perfect; Untouched i.e. divinity
Abode; Existence; Eye
Eyes; Very Precious; Eyed; Existence; Abode
Permanent; Unfailing; Can not be broken; Saved; Guarded
Abode; Existence; Eye
Name of a river; A river in the himalayas; Name of a River
A River in the Himalayas; Flawless; Name of a river; A river in the himalayas
Decorated; Decorated lady
Vision; Sight; Aspect; Lustre; Splendour; Light; Look; View
Little; Collection of Many Small Things
Decorative Design; Beautiful; A decorative design
Spotless; Pure; Tree; The pure one
Friendly Disposition; Kindness; Affection; Faithful; To believe
Lord of the Gods
Not Cunning; Night rain
Goddess Durga; Goddess Durga (The king of Kashi's eldest daughter. Bhishma abducted her from her swayamvara along with her two sisters to be his brother's bride.)
Mother; Compassionate; Scar
Sensitive; Compassionate; Loving; Mother
Mother; One who is Sensitive; One who is sensitive (The king of Kashi's youngest daughter. She was abducted by Bhishma along with her sisters and married Vichitravirya.)
Immeasurable; Boundless
The Pure One; Goddess of Wealth (Lakshmi); The pure one
Happy Girl; Joyful; Pleasurable; Joyful or pleasurable or Happy girl
Straight; Clear
Nectar; Drink that Make Live Forever