Charming; Bold; Brave
One who Rides a Swan; Goddess Saraswati; Who rides a swan; Saraswati
Grace; Favour; Apricot from Nara; Grain; Spirit Warrior
Grace; Favour; Apricot from Nara; Grain
Swan; Love; Baby of Swan; Swan or beautiful lady
Swan-like; Swan
Yellow; Turneric; One who is Golden Coloured; One who is golden colored
Lord Vishnu; Beloved by Indra; Wonderful; Is associated to Lord venkateswara; Goddess Parvati
Doe-eyed; One with Eyes Like Deer; Doe eyed
With Eyes Like a Doe
Consort of Lord Vishnu; Goddess Laxmi; Goddess Lakshmi
Green; Name of a Goddess
Green; Name of a Goddess
Happiness; Delighted; Joy
Happy Queen
Flower Chain
Happy; Joyful; An Atom; Pretty; Beautiful; Laughing; Pleasant; Wonderful; Happy or full of laughter; Smile; An Apsara or celestial nymph
One who Enjoys According to her Own Desire
To be invoked
Modesty; Decency; Shyness; Shame; Life; Quick; Light
Ascending; Climbing Up; Embrace; Climbing up
Gold; Golden
With a Golden Look
Golden Charm; Glitter of Gold
Golden Eyes; Golden eyed
Golden Eyes
Golden Garland; One of the consorts of Yama
Garlanded with Gold; Having golden garlands
Possesser of Gold Necklace
Girl with golden body
Goddess Parvati
Early Winter; Born in the Hemant Season; Winter; Early winter
Golden light
Goddess Lakshmi; Possessing gold; Golden Parvati; Goddess Parvati
Golden Creeper; Golden Tree; Golden creeper
Flame; Sun Ray
Golden Beauty
Hima; Snow; Winter; Gold
Snow drop; Dew drop; Drop of a Snow
Daughter of Snow
Like Snow
Precious Diamond; Diamond; Powerful; Power; Darkness
Diamond Like
Bearer of Diamonds; Like Angel; Wealthy; Diamonds; Lustrous
Hard as a Diamond
Kind Hearted; Jesus Heart
Well Wisher; One with Caring Eyes; Eyes which Hopes Good Always; Existence of Love
Well-wisher; Love and care
Comparison; Lighting of Ceremonial Fire; Lighting of ceremonial fire
Lighting the Ceremonial Fire; Sister of Hiranyakashipu
Oblation; Born out of sacred fire
Heart; The heart
Heart; Heart Felt
Angel / Season