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Sarah Blacher Cohen

Updated: Jul 24, 2024 | 👁️ 1 Views | 🔊 15 Pronunciations

Gender: Female

On this page:

  • 1. Who is Sarah Blacher Cohen?
  • 2. Sarah Blacher Cohen Meaning
  • 3. Sarah Blacher Cohen Pronunciation Guide
  • 4. Record your pronunciation of Sarah Blacher Cohen
  • 5. Translations of Sarah Blacher Cohen
  • 6. Sarah Name Popularity
  • 7. Sarah popularity in U.S.
  • 8. Famous People with Name Sarah Blacher Cohen
  • 9. Names similar to Sarah Blacher Cohen

Who is Sarah Blacher Cohen?

Sarah Blacher Cohen was an American writer, scholar, and playwright, and a professor at SUNY Albany for 30 years. Her area of specialty was Jewish American fiction. Her published books include Comic Relief: Humor in Contemporary American Literature, Saul Bellow's Enigmatic Laughter (1974), and Cynthia Ozick's Comic Art: From Levity to Liturgy. She edited From Hester Street to Hollywood: The Jewish-American Stage and Screen, Making a Scene: The Contemporary Drama of Jewish-American Women, and Jewish Wry: Essays on Jewish Humor. Her plays include The Ladies Locker Room, and Molly Picon's Return Engagement, a biographical play with music on the star of Yiddish theater. She collaborated with Joanne Koch, starting in 1989 on Sophie, Totie, and Belle, a musical on performers Sophie Tucker, Totie Fields, and Belle Barth. 'She and Joanne Koch also co-authored the plays Danny Kaye: Supreme Court Jester, Soul Sisters, Henrietta Szold: Woman of Valor, an adaptation of Saul Bellow stories entitled Saul Bellow's Stories Onstage: The Old System and a Silver Dish, and the multicultural musical Soul Sisters. Cohen and Koch co-edited an anthology of ten plays Shared Stages: Ten American Dramas of Blacks and Jews, including Driving Miss Daisy, Fires in the Mirror, and Soul Sisters. She collaborated with Isaac Bashevis Singer on the off-Broadway play Schlemiel the First. Cohen also gave talks and delivered papers, including "The Unkosher Comediennes: From Sophie Tucker to Joan Rivers." Her husband was Gary Cohen. She died of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease on November 10, 2008 age 72.
Source: Wikipedia | Last updated on May 16, 2024

Sarah Blacher Cohen Meaning

On the name Sarah Blacher Cohen, Sarah means Princess, Lady, Woman of High Rank, Pure, Happy.

The name Sarah Blacher Cohen is often used as a Female name and is mostly used as a First Name.

Sarah is commonly found in United Kingdom, United States of America, France, and 97 more countries.

Sarah Blacher Cohen Pronunciation Guide

How to pronounce Sarah Blacher Cohen?

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  • English (US)
    English (US)
  • English (US)
    English (US)
  • English (US)
    English (US)
  • English (UK)
    English (UK)
  • Spanish (Spain)
    Spanish (Spain)
  • French (France)
    French (France)
  • German (Germany)
    German (Germany)
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
    Portuguese (Portugal)
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    Italian (Italy)
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    Dutch (Netherlands)
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    Russian (Russia)
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    Mandarin Chinese
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Translations of Sarah Blacher Cohen

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Sarah Name Popularity

At NamesLook, the name Sarah is recorded 423,181 times globally, ranking it as the 55th most common name worldwide.

Sarah is most prevalent in United Kingdom, with 79,805 occurrences, making it the 7th most popular name in the country.

In United Kingdom, the name Sarah is found among 1 in every 7 people, showcasing its highest frequency there.

Sarah Popularity by Country

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United Kingdom#71 : 7
United States of America#271 : 24
France#361 : 23
Egypt#2471 : 94
Germany#541 : 22
Algeria#841 : 98
Saudi Arabia#2001 : 221
Italy#3991 : 98
Canada#91 : 29
South Africa#1161 : 221
Belgium#151 : 30
Ireland#101 : 10
Nigeria#1231 : 137
Morocco#3301 : 152
Malaysia#1241 : 335
Iraq#4251 : 289
Brazil#3041 : 208
Kuwait#521 : 163
Switzerland#271 : 49
Netherlands#2641 : 106
Austria#721 : 33
United Arab Emirates#1811 : 312
Syrian Arab Republic#3651 : 200
Ghana#431 : 70
Tunisia#3921 : 233
Lebanon#911 : 82
Singapore#1131 : 237
Hong Kong#2241 : 218
Jordan#2391 : 165
Israel#4111 : 185
Sudan#5531 : 810
Oman#2791 : 398
Spain#7541 : 392
Palestine#3541 : 240
Denmark#821 : 64
Qatar#1621 : 387
Colombia#1,4221 : 1,085
Mexico#1,2791 : 809
Sweden#2071 : 98
Bahrain#1061 : 293
China#841 : 177
Philippines#871 : 306
Costa Rica#3411 : 185
Yemen#6501 : 889
Libya#7011 : 949
Iran#5751 : 281
Cameroon#5021 : 715
Bolivia#7301 : 600
Turkey#2,4441 : 1,971
Mauritius#2071 : 277
Portugal#5291 : 416
Luxembourg#631 : 102
Malta#331 : 70
Norway#2641 : 244
Taiwan#1771 : 703
Bangladesh#1,5221 : 1,660
Macao#1811 : 454
Finland#6381 : 499
Czechia#4891 : 319
Chile#2,0021 : 2,572
Namibia#1721 : 566
Peru#3,0531 : 4,895
India#3,3711 : 4,599
Russia#2,7771 : 2,273
Panama#1,1221 : 1,213
Botswana#1571 : 518
Brunei Darussalam#671 : 541
Japan#4921 : 712
Croatia#6121 : 335
Jamaica#5411 : 807
Angola#4871 : 2,478
Greece#9421 : 1,051
Argentina#1,9191 : 2,634
Albania#1,1411 : 917
Guatemala#2,2471 : 3,191
Poland#1,1271 : 1,256
Afghanistan#1,4051 : 1,945
Uruguay#1,7121 : 2,153
Cyprus#3161 : 502
Kazakhstan#5,5781 : 5,010
Slovenia#1,0271 : 850
Hungary#7681 : 1,289
Puerto Rico#5281 : 813
Indonesia#5321 : 1,415
Maldives#2081 : 1,253

List of countries the name Sarah is rarely found

Sarah popularity in U.S.


This chart displays the ranking of the name Sarah from 1980 to 2023, based on the most recent data from the U.S. Social Security Administration.

Famous People with Name Sarah Blacher Cohen

  • Sarah Blacher Cohen is a Novelist from US.

    Sarah Blacher Cohen was an American writer, scholar, and playwright, and a professor at SUNY Albany for 30 years. Her area of specialty was Jewish American fiction. Her published books include Comic Relief: Humor in Contemporary American Literature, Saul Bellow's Enigmatic Laughter (1974), and Cynthia Ozick's Comic Art: From Levity to Liturgy. She edited From Hester Street to Hollywood: The Jewish-American Stage and Screen, Making a Scene: The Contemporary Drama of Jewish-American Women, and Jewish Wry: Essays on Jewish Humor. Her plays include The Ladies Locker Room, and Molly Picon's Return Engagement, a biographical play with music on the star of Yiddish theater. She collaborated with Joanne Koch, starting in 1989 on Sophie, Totie, and Belle, a musical on performers Sophie Tucker, Totie Fields, and Belle Barth. 'She and Joanne Koch also co-authored the plays Danny Kaye: Supreme Court Jester, Soul Sisters, Henrietta Szold: Woman of Valor, an adaptation of Saul Bellow stories entitled Saul Bellow's Stories Onstage: The Old System and a Silver Dish, and the multicultural musical Soul Sisters. Cohen and Koch co-edited an anthology of ten plays Shared Stages: Ten American Dramas of Blacks and Jews, including Driving Miss Daisy, Fires in the Mirror, and Soul Sisters. She collaborated with Isaac Bashevis Singer on the off-Broadway play Schlemiel the First. Cohen also gave talks and delivered papers, including "The Unkosher Comediennes: From Sophie Tucker to Joan Rivers." Her husband was Gary Cohen. She died of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease on November 10, 2008 age 72.

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Nicknames for Sarah Blacher Cohen

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Names similar to Sarah Blacher Cohen

Sarah Blacker Sarah Blackwood Sarah Blaffer Hrdy Sarah Blair Sarah Blake Sarah Blake Sturgis Shaw Sarah Blakeslee Sarah Blanck Sarah Blasko Sarah Blau Sarah Blessing Sarah Bliz Sarah Bloom Raskin Sarah Blossom Sarah Blue

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