Fortunate; Wealthy
Born Fifth
Counselor-ruler; Form of Reginald
Famous Ruler; Notable Leader; Variant of Roderick
Pilgrim to Rome; Citizen of Rome; Of the Romans; From Rome; One who has made a pilgrimage to rome
Pretty Rose; Beautiful; Weak; Soft; Gentle Horse; Tender Horse; Rose
Sun Child; Bright Sun
Man from Sebaste; Which was a City in Asia; Revered; Majestic; Vehement Protector
Forest; From the Forest; Woodland; Maid; Woman of the Woods
Of the Forest; From the Woods
Sea Guard
Daughter of Hero Tyndareus
Honorable; Form of Timothy; Honoring God
Giant; New Testament Character; Use in Mostly 18th and 19th Centuries; To Honor God
Little Female Bear; Little bear
Strong; Courageous; Healthy
To be Strong; One who is Vigorous and Mighty; Strength; To be Healthy
Youthful; Aristocratic Surname Brought to England at the Time of the Norman Conquest; Place of Alder Trees; Spring Like
Form of Violet; Violet Flower; Purple; Twelfth Night; Musical; Talanted
Resolute Protector; Will-helmet; Will Desire; Valley; Unwavering Protector; Protect
A Singing Bird; Bright Fame; Famed; Shining; Victory; Famous; A Bird Name; Fame; Bright
Rainbow; Flower; Radiance; Peace
Sea Maiden; From the God Mars; Star of the Sea
To Endure; Patience; One of the Many Qualities and Virtues that the Puritans Adopted as Names After the Reformation; Enduring; To Suffer
He who is Praised; To Praise; Praiseworthy
Leader of the Greek Forces Against Troy
Liberator; Defender of Mankind
Brother of Agamemnon
Prosperous; Rich Youth
Stone; A Rock; Form of Peter; Rock; Strong
Bull-like; Refers to the Saint Taurinus; Born Under the Sign of Taurus;
Female Version of the Roman Clan Name Aemilius
Queen of Heaven
Staff Bearer; Appeared in Coriolanus
Ploughman; Variant of Bartholomew Often Used as a Surname
Similar to Benedict; Blessed
Servant; God-like; Lance (Weapon); Diminutive of Lancelot
From the Raven's Estate