Gender: Male
Stéphane Graff is a Franco-British, self-taught artist, based in London. His practice focuses on photography and photo-realistic paintings. Having been influenced by the psychoanalytical traditions of Freud and Jung, and scientific methods, Graff, regularly addresses in his work themes of identity, concealment, memory and a secular conception of the sacred. In-depth research led Graff to develop Alter Egos such as the scientist ‘Professore’ and the ethno-botanist Dr Albert Frique. His most extensive bodies of work are the ‘Black Box’ paintings, the ‘Constrictions’ photographic series, and the ‘Mille-Feuille’ paintings, which are made on numerous strips of wood, combining the disciplines of painting and sculpture. Graff has exhibited internationally. Selected exhibitions include: Galleria Mucciaccia, Rome (2018); Almine Rech Gallery, in London (2016); The Musée d’Art Modern et Contemporain in Nice, France (2013); the Ercel Foundation in Turin, Italy (2010); the Operating Room, Amerikan Hastanesi, Istanbul (2010); the Musee de Marrakech, Morocco (2004); and the Museum of Mankind in London (1991). Graff is the son of billionaire diamond tycoon Laurence Graff.
Source: Wikipedia | Last updated on May 27, 2024
The name Stephane Graff is often used as a Male name.
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Stéphane Graff is a Franco-British, self-taught artist, based in London. His practice focuses on photography and photo-realistic paintings. Having been influenced by the psychoanalytical traditions of Freud and Jung, and scientific methods, Graff, regularly addresses in his work themes of identity, concealment, memory and a secular conception of the sacred. In-depth research led Graff to develop Alter Egos such as the scientist ‘Professore’ and the ethno-botanist Dr Albert Frique. His most extensive bodies of work are the ‘Black Box’ paintings, the ‘Constrictions’ photographic series, and the ‘Mille-Feuille’ paintings, which are made on numerous strips of wood, combining the disciplines of painting and sculpture. Graff has exhibited internationally. Selected exhibitions include: Galleria Mucciaccia, Rome (2018); Almine Rech Gallery, in London (2016); The Musée d’Art Modern et Contemporain in Nice, France (2013); the Ercel Foundation in Turin, Italy (2010); the Operating Room, Amerikan Hastanesi, Istanbul (2010); the Musee de Marrakech, Morocco (2004); and the Museum of Mankind in London (1991). Graff is the son of billionaire diamond tycoon Laurence Graff.
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